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bots, clients and other software people have made for hack.chat

Hack.Chat Software List

A user contributed list of hack.chat bots, client interfaces, browser extensions, firmware, etc.

Adding your software

Want to list your software that you've made? It's as easy as forking this repository, modifying this readme with the required information, then submitting a pull request. Make sure to follow the structure. Don't see a category that fits your software? Feel free to add one.


Bot Description
TBotT Bot for hack.chat
JHCBot Java hack.chat Bot is simple bot for https://hack.chat/ in java.
modBot A moderator bot for Hack.Chat
Hack.ChatAIBot A Cleverbot based bot for Hack.Chat
EbearBot Simple bot for hack.chat. Runs Google api, Wolfram Alpha api & ExistentialismBear CLI program.
ThinBot A very simple bot for hack.chat that can be customized to meet any need.
hack.chat bot A general use bot for hack.chat
Stammy A smooth, organized, 'powerful' hack.chat bot
Bee Cool bot for hack.chat ✌
TelegramHackchatBot A splitroom bot in telegram, powered by Hack.Chat
OlivOS A powerful cross-platform bot
shinobi An asynchronous multi-channel chat logger


Bouncer Description
Harpoon Connect to various chat services through this bouncer.

Browser Extensions:

Extension Description
FireFox Addon Hack.chat FireFox addon for hack.chat
Hack.Chat Enhancement kit Adds certain features to the legacy client


Client Description
hack.chat Desktop Desktop client for hack.chat (Soon to be for other services)
termchat Chat through the terminal with hack.chat
HatClient A custom client for forks of hack.chat http://paswd4.com/HatClient
Hack.chat Terminal Client A client for hack chat that runs in the terminal.
hackchat-electron A simple desktop client for hack.chat using electron.
AnnikaV9/hcclient A feature-rich and configurable cross-platform terminal client
hackchat client plus Just tweaked legacy web client. A bunch of features and optimizations are added.
pyHackChatClient A simple encapsulation of offical hackchat page.

Docker Containers:

Docker Description


Language Library Description
Python hclib A library to connect to https://hack.chat/
Python hackchat An event-driven Python library for hack.chat
Python hiyobot simple & powerful python bot framework for hack.chat
JavaScript hack.chat.js No longer maintained API wrapper for hack.chat using ws package
Rust rust-hackchat A hack.chat API in Rust.
Rust Rust-Hackchat-Bot An event-driven Rust library for hack.chat
C# HackchatSharp HackchatSharp is a C# library for hack.chat.

Android apps:


Server Modules:

Link Description
Marzavec Collection A general use collection of modules
HC-Plus Hackchat server enhancement module. HackChat服务器的增强模块

MPU Firmware:

MPU Firmware Description
Placeholder Bot This is a placeholder, please delete if you are the first one to add to this category.