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FOSSA on-premises Helm values (simplified, self-hosted)
Modify these values
################################################################################ global:
Environment name (used for logging).
environment: production
The FOSSA image credentials that you were given by your account manager.
imageCredentials: username: password:
64-character hexadecimal string, used to encrypt application secrets. Please
pick something more random than the default value.
encryptionSecret: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
The URL hostname and port that the FOSSA web server should listen on.
This hostname must be accessible to users, and you'll need to configure a DNS
record for this hostname.
hostname: &core-web-hostname fossa.local port: 80
If you want your ingress controller to serve FOSSA via HTTPS, you'll need to
configure that here. Please see your ingress controller's relevant
documentation to set the correct annotations, if required.
coreIngressAnnotations: &coreIngressAnnotations {} coreIngressTLS: &coreIngressTLS []
Set the Postgres credentials to be used to generate the self-hosted Postgres
database user.
postgresAuth: &postgres-auth username: password:
The URL hostname of the FOSSA web server's object storage.
This hostname must be accessible to users, and you'll need to configure a DNS
record for this hostname.
storageHostname: &storage-hostname minio.local
If you want your ingress controller to serve MinIO via HTTPS, you'll need to
configure that here. Please see your ingress controller's relevant
documentation to set the correct annotations, if required.
storageIngressAnnotations: &storageIngressAnnotations {} storageIngressTLS: &storageIngressTLS []
Set the access key and secret key to generate for the self-hosted object
storageAuth: &storage-auth accessKey: secretKey:
Configuration for the self-hosted object storage instances. You can leave
these settings as their defaults.
Bucket name for web application file storage.
storageCoreBucket: &storage-core-bucket files.fossa.local
Bucket name for analysis results storage.
storageHubbleBucket: &storage-hubble-bucket analysis.fossa.local
Configuration for the self-hosted job queue instances.
Password to use for self-hosted web application job queue.
faktoryCorePassword: &faktory-core-password "password"
Password to use for self-hosted code analysis job queue.
faktoryHubblePassword: &faktory-hubble-password "password"
Email server for FOSSA web application. This is never self-hosted.
The address from which FOSSA will send email.
from: [email protected]
SMTP server configuration.
host: smtp.fossa.local port: 1025
Credentials for the SMTP server. Remove this section if no auth is required.
auth: user: user pass: password
Self-signed certificates configuration.
Third-party integrations.
Other providers include google
, slack
, and azureRepos
. For details, see
the reference documentation in the chart's top-level values.yaml
github: {}
Generated configuration values.
DO NOT MODIFY THESE unless you know what you're doing.
postgres: <<: *postgres-auth fullnameOverride: fossa-database provisionInstance: true persistence: size: 200Gi
storage: bucket: *storage-core-bucket endpoint: *storage-hostname provisionInstance: true persistence: size: 500Gi auth: *storage-auth ingress: enabled: true annotations: *storageIngressAnnotations tls: *storageIngressTLS hosts: - *storage-hostname
faktory: auth: password: *faktory-core-password
hubble: postgres: <<: *postgres-auth provisionInstance: false host: fossa-database database: fossa
faktory: auth: password: *faktory-hubble-password
storage: bucket: *storage-hubble-bucket region: "hubble" provisionInstance: true persistence: size: 500Gi auth: *storage-auth
ingress: enabled: true annotations: *coreIngressAnnotations tls: *coreIngressTLS hosts: - *core-web-hostname
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