vim-alchemist icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-alchemist copied to clipboard

dark vim colorscheme

= Alchemist: vim colorscheme :experimental: :icons: font :autofit-option: :!source-linenums-option: :imagesdir: images

Very similar to beautiful[Apprentice] made by[Romain Lafourcade].

  • Built using awesome[Toolkit for Vim Color Scheme Designers!]
  • No syntax with bold or italic. Simple.
  • Do you want white background? Check link:[polar].
  • Do you want light background? Check link:[psionic].
  • Do you like dark gruvbox colors? Check link:[gruvbit].
  • Do you like black background? Check link:[habanight].

== More than 1000 words





== Installation

Using plugin manager:: Follow your plugin manager documentation, for example, link:[vim-plug] does it this way: + [source,vim]

" Specify a directory for plugins call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'habamax/vim-alchemist'

" ... other plugins ...

" Initialize plugin system call plug#end()

set termguicolors colorscheme alchemist

Manual with git:: Clone this repo to your vim/nvim packages directory: + .Vim on Linux or OSX [source,sh]

git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-alchemist

.Neovim on Linux or OSX [source,sh]

git clone ~/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/vim-alchemist

.Vim on Windows [source,sh]

git clone C:/Users/USERNAME/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/vim-alchemist <.>

.Neovim on Windows [source,sh]

git clone C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/nvim/pack/plugins/start/vim-alchemist <.>

<.> Change USERNAME to your user name

Manual:: * Download zip archive (available in menu:Code[Download ZIP]) * Extract colors/alchemist.vim file into your vim/nvim settings directory ** ~/.vim/colors/alchemist.vim -- vim (linux, osx) ** ~/vimfiles/colors/alchemist.vim -- vim (windows) ** ~/.config/nvim/colors/alchemist.vim -- neovim (linux, osx) ** ~/AppData/Local/nvim/colors/alchemist.vim -- neovim (windows)

add to your settings:


set termguicolors colorscheme alchemist

== Looks good but I want italic comments

Add following to your settings file:


augroup colorscheme_change | au! au ColorScheme alchemist hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic augroup END

set termguicolors colorscheme alchemist

== And bold statements

Add following to your settings file:


func! s:alchemist_setup() abort hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic hi Statement gui=bold cterm=bold endfunc

augroup colorscheme_change | au! au ColorScheme alchemist call s:alchemist_setup() augroup END

set termguicolors colorscheme alchemist

== And VertSplit without background colors


func! s:alchemist_setup() abort hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic hi Statement gui=bold cterm=bold hi VertSplit guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE endfunc

augroup colorscheme_change | au! au ColorScheme alchemist call s:alchemist_setup() augroup END

set termguicolors colorscheme alchemist

== What about terminals with semi-transparent backgrounds?

Add this:


let g:alchemist_transp_bg = v:true
