
Results 68 issues of Haad

The user should be able to use to a keypress combination to access the following features/actions in Orbit: - open channels panel - close channels panel - should be the...

help wanted
Difficulty: Medium

It would be great to be able to "call" a peer in the swarm view. Basically, run `ipfs swarm connect ` within Orbit.

help wanted
Difficulty: Easy

We should have a distribution build for Windows version of Orbit.

help wanted
Difficulty: Medium

We should use this http://electron.atom.io/devtron/ to have better debugging for the Electron app.

help wanted
Difficulty: Easy

Currently the daemon doesn't shut down cleanly due to: - Open object.get requests when killing the daemon - Open pubsub subscscriptions This is due to js-ipfs-spi being on the main...


We should have a simple landing page for Orbit from which people can download client builds and find more information (links to Github, etc.)

help wanted

The UI should have a very quick way to send feedback to the developers. Ideally there's a button always visible in the UI which by clicking opens a form to...

help wanted
Difficulty: Easy

The Electron app should have auto-updates.


I would love to connect orbit to IRC. It should be possible to join an IRC channel in Orbit and post messages to it as well as receive all the...

help wanted
Difficulty: Easy

We're close to be able to start dogfooding Orbit with a small team. This issue is to track the goals and tasks we need to be able to do that.
