entropy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
entropy copied to clipboard

the natural state of entropy is to increase. we must fight against it. :muscle:


the natural state of entropy is to increase. we must fight against it. 💪

entropy is a command line friend that helps you reduce entropy in your life



1: PIP

$ pip install entropy

2: From source

$ git clone https://github.com/h4ck3rk3y/entropy
$ cd entropy
$ python setup.py install


Tell entropy how today went

$ entropy status add

Ask entropy at how today, yesterday, week, month, year and lfie have been going

$ entropy status view today
$ entropy status view yesterday
$ entropy status view week
$ entropy status view month
$ entropy status view year
$ entropy status view life
$ entropy status view YYYY-mm-dd

Journal with entropy every morning

$ entropy journal add

Ask entropy to retrieve older journals for you

$ entropy journal view today
$ entropy journal view yesterday
$ entropy journal view YYYY-mm-dd

If you need help, don't be shy

$ entropy --help


Use the Github to file bugs or push new features.


Open sourced under the MIT License