Julius Beckmann
Julius Beckmann
In this component there could be some inspirations for this module: http://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-3-2-workflow-component For example: * Returning a list of all possible transitions (`for transition in workflow_transitions(article)`)
Fix would be to use this: ```elixir events |> Enum.each(fn(event) -> unless event[:to] in states do raise "Target state :#{event[:to]} is not present in @states" end def unquote(event[:name])(model) do model...
Ho about creating a export so files like this could be generated? http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/fsm.html
How about documenting states and transitions? Example: ``` elixir [ doc: "Activating has succeded" name: :activate, from: [:activating], to: :active, ], ```
I found another library like this, maybe you could co-operate: https://github.com/h4cc/awesome-elixir#templating
In case somebody else tries to add support for HHVM, this is the current state: There is currently a problem with some test with unicode caracters: https://travis-ci.org/h4cc/sql-formatter/jobs/20499499 Cause is the...
The documentation template does not work over 'https', because the resources from cloudflare are accessed vie 'http'. This is a try to make these resources independent from used protocol.
I would love to see elixir on this page: http://elixir-lang.org/ Should it rather be next to erlang because they two use the same VirtualMachine, or should it be in another...
Just a idea for a possible optimization. Instead of this map/filter/reduce some code could be generated at compiletime with data from the JSON file to let the BEAM Runtime do...
Add a wrapper for ssh2_tunnel: http://php.net/manual/en/function.ssh2-tunnel.php