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min copied to clipboard

A small but practical concatenative programming language and shell

Results 7 min issues
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Looks like x86_64 is assumed in `minpkg/vendor/*/macosx/*.a`. Building fails on Apple M1 (https://gist.github.com/pcarrier/e0d3754c36237521707eca3d00d881db).

Hello I just found this issue on PureOS/Debian bullseye/zsh shell/min -v -> 0.37.0 I am trying to capture puts! text output from a min program but I managed to recreate...

Hey, First off, I have been having a lot of fun with this language. It makes me think about what I write, and I haven't had that feeling in years....


The REPL currently assumes that a complete expression has been entered when you press ENTER, or input a line feed; and it gives an error otherwise. This prohibits me from...


I am tiring you with my questions, but somethings can be made in this way: How can i do GUI doing? or "making?"(but don't forget i am a little good...


I'm curious as to the performance of min. Would be nice to see a few benchmarks, maybe for some of [these](https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/).


Considering the following example from the manual: ``` {} socket "httpbin.org" 80 connect :cli cli "GET /uuid HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: httpbin.org\r\n\r\n" send cli recv-line puts :line (line "\\}" match? not) ( cli...
