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Next generation Bayesian analysis tools for efficient posterior sampling and evidence estimation.
Seems that for now we'd better use numpy>=1.20 and numdifftools
Sometimes the target density is not defined in some regions of the parameter space. Maybe we should let BF automatically return logp=-inf for such cases?
Hi, first of all, really nice package! I'm running MCMC chains in Stan, since computing the gradient of my distribution is not trivial and Stan's autodiff does it for me....
Now the SIT transformer uses `use_parallel=False` by default. Need to review this at some point.
This should be easy, as we have already separated the pickle-able and (possible) non-pickle-able components.
1. to compute & extract additional parameters, like sigma8, using the true model 2. to allow additional importance weights from some other function (like the `post_BAO` in Planck), but maybe...
BF needs ~1s to import at the moment. Should study why it takes such a long time to import at some point.