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Production ready templates for deploying Driverless AI (DAI) scorers. https://h2oai.github.io/dai-deployment-templates/

Driverless AI Deployment Templates

This repository contains different deployment templates for Driverless AI (DAI) scorers.

The structure is as follows:

  • common: Code shared by multiple deployment templates
    • swagger: The shared REST API definitions. Please don't duplicate.
    • rest-{framework}-model/api: Modules with Java classes autogenerated from the API Swagger definition.
    • transform: Shared transformers between mojo and API classes.
  • {target}-scorer: One module per deployment target.

Note: Please look to each subproject for additional deployment information.


This is a Gradle multi-project repository. To get the resulting distribution archive, run:

$ ./gradlew distributionZip

The result of which is ./build/dai-deployment-templates-{CURRENT_VERSION}.zip, which is in turn integrated in the DAI build and deployment process.

Note that each of the templates is expected to inject its files in this archive in their respective gradle files. Please see and follow examples in the existing deployment templates.

Test Build

The ci process for building the above artifacts also performs linting and styling checks, and will fail if there are any issues found. In order test this before pushing to the remote, these checks can be performed locally.

To test builds locally, with respect to linting and styling use the following steps:

  1. run ./gradlew applySpotless
  • this will help clean the code base with proper linting/styling
  1. run ./gradlew check
  • this will run the same check as in Jenkins, to check for styling/linting errors.
  • will identify issues such as missing javadoc strings etc.


The deployment templates zip archives are stored in S3 at:

  • Snapshots: https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/artifacts.h2o.ai/snapshots/ai/h2o/dai-deployment-templates/
  • Releases: https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/artifacts.h2o.ai/releases/ai/h2o/dai-deployment-templates/

The push is handled by Jenkins from master and release* branches with versioning defined by a value in gradle.properties. The snapshots are versions with the -SNAPSHOT suffix in version value defined in gradle.properties.

The master branch is expected to be a snapshot (otherwise Jenkins pipeline fails). The release* branches may be both snapshot and release versions. Beware that Jenkins is happy to overwrite the release artifact, if there is a new commit with the same version.

In addition to this, we maintain GitHub releases that mirror the released artifacts. For example an artifact versioned 0.0.5 is tagged as v0.0.5 with the actual release called Release v0.0.5. This step is not automated yet.


  1. Prepare PR with two commits:
    • First, "Release X.Y.Z" that removes the -SNAPSHOT suffix in gradle.properties form version. The diff will look like:
      - version = 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT
      + version = 1.2.3
    • Second, "Dev X.Y.(Z+1)" that bumps the version and adds the -SNAPSHOT suffix back to version in gradle.properties. The diff will look like:
      - version = 1.2.3
      + version = 1.2.4-SNAPSHOT
    • Once approved, rebase the PR on top of master, so that both the commits exist in the history as separate commits.
    • Create a release branch pointing to the first commit of the two, the release one, called release-X.Y.Z. Once in GitHub, Jenkins will automatically pick it up and push the corresponding release packages to S3.
    • Create a GitHub release "Release vX.Y.Z" with meaningful description, tag vX.Y.Z, and branch release-X.Y.Z.

Release Lines

Currently, we have two lines of releases:

  • DriverlessAI 1.7.x, bleeding edge: These releases are meant for the latest version of DriverlessAI and contains the most up to date version of the templates. Git branch: master, release versions: 1.x.y, immutable release branch names: release-1.x.y.
  • DriverlessAI 1.6.x, LTS: These releases are meant to support the LTS branch of DriverlessAI marked as 1.6.x. Changes in this branch must not break compatibility, so please keep the Terraform version fixed. Git branch support-1.6, release versions 0.0.x, immutable release branch names: release-0.0.x.

Upgrading Mojo2 Runtime

To upgrade the mojo2 runtime dependency version, just edit the corresponding line in the gradle.properties file a push a new version of the deployment templates out as described above.

Note that in order to be able to build against the new mojo2 runtime, the mojo2 runtime implementation and the api jars have to be available in the public Maven repository: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ai.h2o/mojo2-runtime-api and https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ai.h2o/mojo2-runtime-impl.

Both the steps are handled by the DAI Build: mojo2 Jenkins pipeline: http://mr-0xc1:8080/view/H2OAI/job/mojo2/job/master/ if the doRelease parameter is checked when clicking on Build with Parameters on the master branch (again, the master should currently contain a version without the -SNAPSHOT suffix).

Note that there is an extra step to push the mojo2-runtime-api to the public Maven repo. One has to login to Sonatype using H2o public nexus credentials, manually close the appropriate staging repository with the new artifacts (usually the first one called aih2o.*, but check the contents first!), and then release it. The Maven UI takes time to display the new version, but the artifacts themselves usually appear in the order of seconds/minutes after the release (i.e., you will not see the new version on https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ai.h2o/mojo2-runtime-api, but you will be able to build against it).