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Incorrect outputs when transferring wide resnet from pytorch to keras

Open luketaverne opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments

Hey @gzuidhof! First of all, thanks for making this cool project!

I have a problem I've been struggling with for a few days now. I wanted to use your nn-transfer to convert the PyTorch WRN50-2 model pre-trained on imagenet from here to a Keras model. The results I get for a random image are here:

screen shot 2018-02-20 at 21 43 20

As you can see, the pytorch and tensorflow models are spot on (off by 1e-6). Although the keras model looks similar to the others, it gives very wrong predictions on imagenet.

Would you be able to help me figure out what I might be doing wrong?

Other details: I'm using tensorflow 1.4 (which includes keras) with python 3, cuda 9, cudnn 7, numpy 1.14.0, and torch 0.3.1. I've also tried it with standalone keras 2.1.4 with the same results. All of the unit tests pass. I've created a standalone example that anyone should be able to just run without fiddling:

from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import re
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.utils import model_zoo
from nn_transfer import transfer
from tensorflow.python.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Input, Add, Activation, Dropout, Flatten, Dense,\
                                        Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, AveragePooling2D, BatchNormalization

# Transfer tutorial <https://github.com/gzuidhof/nn-transfer/blob/master/example.ipynb>
## PyTorch Things
# convert numpy arrays to torch Variables
params = model_zoo.load_url('https://s3.amazonaws.com/modelzoo-networks/wide-resnet-50-2-export-5ae25d50.pth')

for k, v in sorted(params.items()):
    print(k, tuple(v.shape))
    params[k] = Variable(v, requires_grad=True)
print('\nTotal parameters:', sum(v.numel() for v in params.values()))

# PyTorch Model definition, from <https://github.com/szagoruyko/functional-zoo/blob/master/wide-resnet-50-2-export.ipynb>
def define_pytorch_model(params):
    def conv2d(input, params, base, stride=1, pad=0):
        return F.conv2d(input, params[base + '.weight'],
                        params[base + '.bias'], stride, pad)

    def group(input, params, base, stride, n):
        o = input
        for i in range(0, n):
            b_base = ('%s.block%d.conv') % (base, i)
            x = o
            o = conv2d(x, params, b_base + '0')
            o = F.relu(o)
            o = conv2d(o, params, b_base + '1', stride=i == 0 and stride or 1, pad=1)
            o = F.relu(o)
            o = conv2d(o, params, b_base + '2')
            if i == 0:
                o += conv2d(x, params, b_base + '_dim', stride=stride)
                o += x
            o = F.relu(o)
        return o

    # determine network size by parameters
    blocks = [sum([re.match('group%d.block\d+.conv0.weight' % j, k) is not None
                   for k in params.keys()]) for j in range(4)]

    def f(input, params):
        o = F.conv2d(input, params['conv0.weight'], params['conv0.bias'], 2, 3)
        o = F.relu(o)
        o = F.max_pool2d(o, 3, 2, 1)
        o_g0 = group(o, params, 'group0', 1, blocks[0])
        o_g1 = group(o_g0, params, 'group1', 2, blocks[1])
        o_g2 = group(o_g1, params, 'group2', 2, blocks[2])
        o_g3 = group(o_g2, params, 'group3', 2, blocks[3])
        o = F.avg_pool2d(input=o_g3, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=0)
        o = o.view(o.size(0), -1)
        o = F.linear(o, params['fc.weight'], params['fc.bias'])
        return o

    return f

## Keras Things
def define_keras_model(input_dim, nb_classes=1000):
    def group(input, stride, n, group_num):
        o = input
        for i in range(0, n):
            b_base = ('%s.block%d.conv') % ('group' + str(group_num), i)
            kernel0 = 2 ** (7 + group_num)
            kernel_1 = 2 ** (7 + group_num)
            kernel_2 = 2 ** (8 + group_num)
            kernel_dim = 2 ** (8 + group_num)

            x = o
            # conv0
            o = Convolution2D(kernel0, (1, 1), padding='same', strides=(1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal',
                              use_bias=True, name=b_base + '0', activation='relu')(x)
            # conv1
            stride_0 = i == 0 and stride or 1  # lazy copy from pytorch loop
            o = Convolution2D(kernel_1, (3, 3), padding='same', strides=(stride_0, stride_0),
                              use_bias=True, name=b_base + '1', activation='relu')(o)
            # conv2
            o = Convolution2D(kernel_2, (1, 1), padding='same', strides=(1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal',
                              use_bias=True, name=b_base + '2')(o)
            # print(o.shape)
            if i == 0:

                o = Add()([o, Convolution2D(kernel_dim, (1, 1), padding='same', strides=(stride, stride),
                                            use_bias=True, name=b_base + '_dim')(x)])
                o = Add()([o, x])

            o = Activation('relu')(o)
        return o

    # input
    ip = Input(shape=input_dim)

    # conv0
    x = Convolution2D(64, (7, 7), padding='same', strides=(2,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal',
                      use_bias=True, name='conv0', activation='relu')(ip)
    # x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, momentum=0.1, epsilon=1e-5, gamma_initializer='uniform')(x)

    # max pool
    x = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(2,2), padding='valid')(x)

    # group0 (stride 1, n=3)
    x = group(x,stride=1,n=3, group_num=0)

    # group1 (stride 2, n=4)
    x = group(x, stride=2, n=4, group_num=1)

    # group2 (stride 2, n=6)
    x = group(x, stride=2, n=6, group_num=2)

    # group3 (stride 2, n=3)
    x = group(x, stride=2, n=3, group_num=3)

    # avgpool2d
    x = AveragePooling2D((7, 7),strides=(1,1),padding='valid')(x)
    x = Flatten()(x)

    x = Dense(nb_classes, name='fc', use_bias=True)(x)
    # x = Activation('linear')(x)
    model = Model(ip, x)

    return model

# Tensorflow
def define_tensorflow_model(inputs, params):
    '''Bottleneck WRN-50-2 model definition

    def tr(v):
        if v.ndim == 4:
            return v.transpose(2, 3, 1, 0)
        elif v.ndim == 2:
            return v.transpose()
        return v

    params = {k: tf.constant(tr(v)) for k, v in params.items()}

    def conv2d(x, params, name, stride=1, padding=0):
        x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [padding, padding], [padding, padding], [0, 0]])
        z = tf.nn.conv2d(x, params['%s.weight' % name], [1, stride, stride, 1],
        if '%s.bias' % name in params:
            return tf.nn.bias_add(z, params['%s.bias' % name])
            return z

    def group(input, params, base, stride, n):
        o = input
        for i in range(0, n):
            b_base = ('%s.block%d.conv') % (base, i)
            x = o
            o = conv2d(x, params, b_base + '0')
            o = tf.nn.relu(o)
            o = conv2d(o, params, b_base + '1', stride=i == 0 and stride or 1, padding=1)
            o = tf.nn.relu(o)
            o = conv2d(o, params, b_base + '2')
            if i == 0:
                o += conv2d(x, params, b_base + '_dim', stride=stride)
                o += x
            o = tf.nn.relu(o)
        return o

    # determine network size by parameters
    blocks = [sum([re.match('group%d.block\d+.conv0.weight' % j, k) is not None
                   for k in params.keys()]) for j in range(4)]

    o = conv2d(inputs, params, 'conv0', 2, 3)
    o = tf.nn.relu(o)
    o = tf.pad(o, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]])
    o = tf.nn.max_pool(o, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID')
    o_g0 = group(o, params, 'group0', 1, blocks[0])
    o_g1 = group(o_g0, params, 'group1', 2, blocks[1])
    o_g2 = group(o_g1, params, 'group2', 2, blocks[2])
    o_g3 = group(o_g2, params, 'group3', 2, blocks[3])
    o = tf.nn.avg_pool(o_g3, ksize=[1, 7, 7, 1], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
    o = tf.reshape(o, [-1, 2048])
    o = tf.matmul(o, params['fc.weight']) + params['fc.bias']
    return o

# Define the PyTorch model
pytorch_model = define_pytorch_model(params)

# Define the tensorflow model
params_tf = {k: v.numpy() for k, v in model_zoo.load_url('https://s3.amazonaws.com/modelzoo-networks/wide-resnet-50-2-export-5ae25d50.pth').items()}
inputs_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 224, 224, 3])
tf_model = define_tensorflow_model(inputs_tf, params_tf)

# Define the Keras model, reloading the weights since we can't use get_state_dict() on functional pytorch models
input_state_dict_for_keras = model_zoo.load_url('https://s3.amazonaws.com/modelzoo-networks/wide-resnet-50-2-export-5ae25d50.pth')
keras_model = define_keras_model((224,224,3), nb_classes=1000)
# Transfer the pytorch weights to keras
transfer.pytorch_to_keras(pytorch_model, keras_model, state_dict=input_state_dict_for_keras)

# Create dummy data
data = torch.rand(6,3,224,224)
data_keras_and_tf = data.permute(0,2,3,1).numpy()
data_pytorch = Variable(data, requires_grad=False)

# Do a forward pass in all frameworks
pytorch_pred = pytorch_model(data_pytorch, params).data.numpy()
keras_pred = keras_model.predict(data_keras_and_tf)
sess = tf.Session()
tf_pred = sess.run(tf_model, feed_dict={inputs_tf: data_keras_and_tf})

assert keras_pred.shape == pytorch_pred.shape
# check that difference between PyTorch and Tensorflow is small
assert np.abs(tf_pred - pytorch_pred).max() < 1e-4
print(np.abs(keras_pred - pytorch_pred).max())
print(np.abs(tf_pred - pytorch_pred).max())

plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)

assert np.abs(keras_pred - pytorch_pred).max() < 1e-4 # This assertion will fail


Thanks in advance!

Best, Luke

luketaverne avatar Feb 20 '18 21:02 luketaverne