hugo-dusk copied to clipboard
Simple, minimalistic dark theme for Hugo.
Simple minimalistic dark theme for Hugo.
- Responsive minimalistic design
- Configurable theme colors (with custom css file)
- Syntax highlight with builtin Chroma
- OpenGraph, Twitter cards support
- Disqus comments support
- Utterances comments support
- Google analytics (async)
- Configurable pagination for posts
- Lazy menu
- Custom 404 page
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone
Example configuration:
baseurl = "/"
title = "My site."
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2017, all rights reserved."
canonifyurls = true
languageCode = "en-US"
paginate = 3
theme = "hugo-dusk"
googleAnalytics = ""
disqusShortname = ""
name = ""
SectionPagesMenu = "main"
# Configure syntax highlight
style = "rrt" # dark themes: monokai, api, fruity, native, rrt, swapoff
name = "Posts"
weight = -120
identifier = "post"
url = "/post/"
name = "Tags"
weight = -110
identifier = "tag"
url = "/tags/"
keywords = "blog, tech"
description = "Personal blog."
github = "github id"
gitlab = "gitlab id"
twitter = "twitter id"
linkedin = "linkedin id"
email = "myemail"
theme_colors = "default-dark" # uses color css file under static/css/default-dark.css
utterancesRepo="REPO_NAME" # Utterances is enabled when this param is set
utterancesTheme="github-dark" # Default: github-dark
utterancesIssueTerm="pathname" # Default: pathname