EOSConnect icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
EOSConnect copied to clipboard

GTK client for KDEConnect (discontinued, check the fork Conecto)

Important note

2019-01-04 - Since I don't own anymore an android device, I'm not able to develop it... so, developpement is stopped so far. Please check the fork Conecto started by @hannesschulze


It's a KDEConnect client using GTK+ written in Vala, based on mconnect. The application is designed for elementary OS. (but should works on other distributions, perhaps.)

A note on mconnect. First version of EOSConnect used a custom fork of mconnect, extending his DBus API, so used as a backend, started by EOSConnect at startup. But I encoutered lot's of issues with async DBus calls in order to setup mconnect backend correctly, and EOSConnect began to have too much files and abstractions classes - in order to be able to change the backend later. So I decided to integrate directly mconnect code into EOSConnect, removing his DBus API. It removed lot's of code in EOSConnect and I was able to setup and adapt mconnect like I want easily.


It's a Work In Progess, not intented for daily use.


Main window

main window

SMS tab

sms tab

Send a SMS without using SMS tab

It's searching in available adressbooks, or you can use a custom phone number.

sms tab sms tab

Send file(s) to device

You can send files to device from Files's context menu. (or from the Dock's quick list.)

sms tab

Dock integration

sms tab


  • On Ubuntu or elementary OS, install these dependencies:
sudo apt install elementary-sdk libunity-dev libnotify-dev libghc-gnutls-dev libsqlite3-dev libedataserver1.2-dev libebook1.2-dev -y
  • Clone the repository.
  • Inside the project, compile with:
meson build && clear && ninja -C build && glib-compile-schemas ./data/
  • Start application
    • Start from the build directory:
    GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=data ./build/src/com.github.gyan000.eos-connect 
    • Start with complete debug output:
    GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=data ./build/src/com.github.gyan000.eos-connect -d
  • To install it:
sudo ninja -C build install

Known issues

  • When launching app, sometimes, configured device, not connected on local network, does not appears as "not connected".
  • When launching app, sometimes, need to unlock phone/tablet in order to see the device "connected".
  • When started for the first time from build directory, quicklist not available.



  • [x] Import mconnect, remove useless stuff.
  • [x] List available devices.
  • [x] Use Tablet or Phone or Computre icons in devices list.
  • [x] Pair automatically.
  • [x] Plugin configuration by device: plugin list, custom name.
  • [x] List configured device in dynamic quicklist.
  • [x] Dconf: global setting and by device settings.

v0.2 - ping

  • [x] Send / receive ping, with notification.
  • [x] Ping plugin configurarion. (button to send a ping.)

v0.3 - battery

  • [x] Receive notification when battery below a threshold.
  • [x] Battery plugin configuration. (option to setup charge percentage warning)
  • [x] Show battery percentage in dynamic quicklist.

v0.4 - notification

  • [x] Send / receive notifications.
  • [x] Notification plugin configuration. (configuration window to activate/deactivate send/receive notifications globally and by application, with application filter.)
  • [ ] Synchronise notifications on both devices. (when notification closed on a device, it should close on the other device.)

v0.4 - share

  • [x] Send one or more files, with popup with file advancement.
  • [x] Receive files, with advancement using launcher api to display progress bar on the icon in the dock.
  • [x] Share plugin configuration. (option to setup default save folder)
  • [x] Add option to Files's context menu to send file(s) to a device.

v0.5 - SMS

  • [x] Send / receive SMS, with SMS notification.
  • [x] Option to display SMS tab in dynamic quicklist.
  • [x] Tab in main window with SMS history by contact.
  • [x] Add an icon on header bar to send SMS to one or more contacts.
  • [x] Use libedataserver & libebook to get available adressbooks and take contacts with mobile phone. (and use contact photo if available)
  • [x] Widget to send SMS, with input text and dropdown to select available device, which can send a SMS. (to use in the widget send SMS fom header bar, and into the SMS tab.)
  • [x] When entering phone number or contact name in SMS widget from headerbar, display available contacts, with photo.
  • [x] Use sqlite3 to store SMS by phone number. (and be able to scroll back in the history)
  • [ ] When user do not want to store SMS with sqlite, use a dummy SMS store.
  • [ ] General option, for all devices, to activate or not the storage of SMS history.
  • [ ] SMS plugin configuration. (to setup how many days of history we want to keep)

v0.5.1 - Telephony

  • [ ] Display who's calling, with contact photo if available.
  • [ ] Make sure we display notification when call missed.
  • [ ] Telephony plugin configuration.

v0.7 - Commands

  • [ ] Execute commands.
  • [ ] Command plugin configuration. (configuration window with available commands for remove device)

v0.8 - Clipboard

  • [ ] Copy / past working. (in both direction ?)
  • [ ] Clipboard plugin configuration.

v0.9 - Multimedia control

  • [ ] Multimedia control plugin configuration.

v0.9.1 - Remote control

  • [ ] Remote control plugin configuration


  • [ ] Remove refresh icon at bottom of devices list.
  • [ ] Unpair device, with icon at bottom of devices list.
  • [ ] Option, when unpairing a device, to delete everything: configuration, SMS history.
  • [ ] Welcome screen, with how-to setup.
  • [ ] Option to setup public visible name of EOSConnect.
  • [ ] Translations: french.
  • [ ] Code cleanup.