Gwendolyn Goetz
Gwendolyn Goetz
Loading the TI Groups Page is slow in Seattle (prod). 12 seconds+ `/admin/tiGroups` The query either needs optimizing or we need to look into caching TI data
Have the [aws e2e test action]( send a success/failure message to `#eng-ci` in Slack like we do with deployments actions.
### Description Please explain the changes you made here. ## Release notes The title of the pull request will be used as the default release notes description. If more detail...
There are currently three email address uses as staging environment test related email addresses. We should remove the defaults and have people set them in the admin settings page....
- **Adding snapshot updates** - **UI** ### Description Please explain the changes you made here. ## Release notes The title of the pull request will be used as the default...
The Oncall is responsible for releasing a new version of CiviForm on Tuesday during their rotation and general upkeep through their rotation. This is an aid for each rotation, but...
For increased security we should see if we can enable a [Content-Security-Policy]( without breaking the application.
### Description - **Changing namespace from javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence** - **Set to use play ebeans v7** - **Updating order by method name** - **Fixing api key test** - **Fixing metrics...
It looks like Northstar needs to pull in missing `meta` tags. A full audit should be done, but at least ones for robots.txt, civiform_tag_version are missing.
The Oncall is responsible for releasing a new version of CiviForm on Tuesday during their rotation and general upkeep through their rotation. This is an aid for each rotation, but...