Gwendolyn Goetz
Gwendolyn Goetz
I'm pretty sure some work Tom did earlier this week will resolve this. I just updated the Test server. Can you check?
FYI. Tried opening the files and getting 404s. Tried upload new versions, same thing.
[This ]( fixes the owasp vulnerability which is not dependent on Play 2.9+
Yep. The files seems to download now too. Must have been some github nonsense
1000 times yes. This is the final thing I need to solve in order to use neovim full time and stop using Intellij. Both use the same language server so...
Are you able to force it (in the case of false positives)? If you can what happens if it's in a PR when you merge to another branch?
Maybe use GHAS and layer on the thing the uses pre-commit so if you have both you're double protected and if you don't installed or forget the pre-commit
Hello, CiviForm has had this in our backlog for a while. With Play 2.9 and Play EBean 7.0 around the corner I was trying to get 6.2.0 working. We're currently...
Thanks @mkurz! I'll try to find time to see if I can get the sample configured in a way that will repo the issue.
@mkurz Sure, I'll try tomorrow