
Results 21 comments of cro_wiz

@renkun-ken and @ElianHugh - I also like the idea of not reinventing the wheel and presenting people with something "familiar" partly also b/c the intersection of Py and R users...

That could be a useful addition to vignettes.

I have also started witnessing this with the `powerprompt` prompt in WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 `bash` even, when environments are not activated. the `default` and `lp_theme alternate_vcs` prompts work fine

@Rycieos hi - it's both the `powerline_full` and the `powerline` theme additional info it will wrap once and then after it has filled the line (one more time) it will...

`lp_theme powerline_full` throws a command not found error in a clean environment, where does that reside? or are there other ways necessary to make this function work in a clean...

PS: I am on `commit 6f0dc9f7dda99fe98c6dce26be5e461692782c6d (HEAD -> stable, tag: v2.1.2, origin/stable)`

@Rycieos let me check with `LANG=en_US.UTF-8` though my "usual" setting there would be `C.UTF-8` so my guess would have been that it should not make any diff? running check now...

fails with same error `ERROR: LoadError: InitError: MethodError: no method matching Base.TOMLCache()` on Julia-1.6.4 on Windows 10 as well

@alanponce - I had a user/document or project specific `twentyseccondcv.cls` in place, which was being used (referenced_ during knitting, that I had not brought up to date to include the...

weird ... how can this pkg have 32k downloads per month (based on gh front/stats page) - if it does not work?