Gregg Thomas
Gregg Thomas
Hi Haley, Thanks for the info, its very useful. I went ahead and tried an lmerge as the last step instead of prune, but I can't seem to get it...
I'm not sure about that code snippet, but I think using single-copy groups (one gene in all species) in these analyses is necessary. These groups are still informative when estimating...
I'm not sure about category 2. I think that should be families with *1 or more* gene copies in *more than one clade*. But I'm not sure about it in...
Hi, I'm not sure I have a solution for you right off the bat, but I just wanted to note that an error rate of 0.8125 is extremely high. That...
I don't think either command lets the user know which families are being filtered. I don't use the `max_size` command, but I agree that it would be a nice feature...
Hi, Did you download the report analysis script from this page? If so, you must also download the file and place it in the same directory as the...
Hi, I think this is happening because the report_analysis script unfortunately can't handle node labels on the tree. All of your internal nodes seem to have the label '1' (except...
Hi all, Sorry I missed this post. This is likely because your input tree has internal node labels, which CAFE can handle but the report analysis script cannot. This is...
There used to be a `` script, but I'm not sure it is supported any more since development has moved on to [CAFE5]( Maybe @benfulton could provide more info about...
I also have some questions regarding when/why CrossMap changes flags when lifting over a bam file. For example, I have the following read pair in my original bam file: ```...