Garret Wassermann
Garret Wassermann
I updated the project group avatar using the same image but if you'd like it to change let me know.
An attempt at having some more secure defaults. Whenever allowing file uploads from the public, there is a risk of malicious files being uploaded for command injection, cross-site scripting attacks,...
This page from OWASP describes potential security issues and ways to mitigate: It does recommend restricting both file names and file extensions to smallest known set needed, in order...
Django allows you to include custom templates in your project that would override the defaults from django-helpdesk. You could copy the base-head.html file, edit it to include whatever version of...
django-report-tools unfortunately seems abandoned (last update in 2014 supporting Django 1.6, yikes). django-chartit seems to rely on the Highchart library which is a free-as-in-free-beer license only for non-commercial use so...