Garret Wassermann
Garret Wassermann
Added @rail3r! You should be able to translate now. Thank you for your help!
No worries, I added you back @rail3r
Since it does introduce a new dependency (TinyMCE) we should think about it a little if we want that the default or not. Honestly we should probably be using TinyMCE...
Yes definitely, PRs welcome! On Wed, Aug 19, 2020, 8:41 AM Benbb96 wrote: > I agree with @gwasser , it would be great if > all fields like the description...
I'd be open to keeping it more open-ended on support @uhurusurfa . I do wonder if standardizing one might help with consistency of visual style/behavior? But also not stuck on...
A Markdown editor would make a lot of sense too. I think Markdown can be converted to HTML fairly easily/directly, there's got to be library functions that do that, so...
Hmm, as far as I know `HELPDESK_SHOW_EDIT_BUTTON_FOLLOW_UP = False` should work to prevent it from being displayed to any user. Let me investigate. Or feel free to send a PR!...
Oh i see you mean editing the ticket itself (description, etc.) and not follow ups, that's why that setting doesn't change anything. This would be a new feature once permissions...
At the moment I think the custom fields are hard-coded to appear at the bottom of the list of fields. You could copy and change the HTML templates to put...
`django-helpdesk` used to have an API but it was home-grown and not a great solution. We removed it from recent versions of `helpdesk`. I believe the plan is to add...