unium copied to clipboard
1.0.5 ios socket bind not working
environment : ios 14.4.1, Unity 2018.4.17f1, il2cpp build
socket bind working on UnityEditor, android
but not working on ios
because raise exception when CreateDelegate with UniumSocket.Message.Reply
I guess because CreateDelegate with Reply(string msg) instead of Reply(object data)
. . .
this code is working
// public void Reply( string data ) { Socket.Send( id, "data", string.IsNullOrEmpty( data ) ? "null" : data ); }
public void Reply( object data ) { Socket.Send( id, "data", JsonReflector.Reflect( data ) ); }
unium is a really great product. Thank you
Thanks. I'm unable to create iOS builds but if you create a pull request I'll merge it in :)