Geo Vlasov

Results 24 comments of Geo Vlasov

This should be helpful: [How to use Maven to only sign three jars and push them to Maven Central?](

@kahing No log when running with `-f` as user x and then `ls -al` in parent directory as root

Well, actually just the usual: ``` 2021/07/13 10:32:19.401340 main.INFO File system has been successfully mounted. ```

I get this only with root user on CentOS 8, another user mounts fine

@pklauzinski For me, the problem with the examples is that they don't tell you at all what do you need to do to get the updated content. I'd expect there... > Calculates return type for Yii::createObject call and one/all method calls of ActiveRecord @beeryukov По какой-то причине автоподсказки в конструкторе для пропертей создаваемых через `new` объектов начинаются не с...

@iglooom Нет, хочется чтобы автор плагина добавил фичи из того билда в основную ветку

Or over bluetooth, doesn't matter, just want to write scripts that do crazy shit with the leds.

This would be really useful if there was an optional shorthand like the existing `->verbose()` to turn any CURL error into an exception that contains all the information about the...

@krzyk > It is hard to decide What do you mean by decide? If I want the tail, I say `rultor merge`; if I don't want it, I say `rultor...