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[Deprecated] Super simple way to create dynamic routes with Next.js

Results 5 nextjs-dynamic-routes issues
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I used ``nextjs-dynamic-routes`` in my router. all links is worked, but before refresh page , Shows me **not found**. `````` --pages | |- -index | --blogs | | | |--index...

``` router.add({ name: 'register', pattern: '/register/:barcode?', page: '/register', }) ``` doing ``` router.replaceRoute('register', {}, { shallow: true }) ``` resulting in an address: ``` http://localhost:3000/register/ ``` Is it intentional ?...


getMatchingRoute to return { name, page, pattern } instead of { page, pattern } currently


Like in this branch: This way advanced URL patterns such as `:foo+` and `:digits(\d+)` can be supported.