Gisle Vanem

Results 133 comments of Gisle Vanem

> Well whatever recorded it added some metadata in front of the audio data which causes it to read the sames wrong Okay. But like I wrote, SDR# v

> SDR++ needs almost 2GB last time I checked, mostly because of OpenGL and the enormous waterfall history buffer Depends on the FFT-size, doesn't it? I had some crashes in...

Really? When e.g. toggling off the `"Display | Show Waterfall"` check-button, and turning it on again, I once got this crash: ``` eax=00000000 ebx=009df8c4 ecx=04540000 edx=00f8a7a0 esi=009dea94 edi=00000000 eip=69bd381c esp=009de538...

> (try searching for rawFFTs = and look at the only code assigning it) I know. I put some trace-code around those places; always `realloc()` that fails. Could such a...

On which OS? Try running `rtl_biast -d 0 -b 1` (or similar) before starting welle-io. But it depends on which `rtlsdr.dll` you use.

> They just stop, hence why I was looking for a debug mode. It should have `-h, -help` command-line options to hint users on the `-s` option. I've done this...

@jay > Testing an MS-DOS build with this patch, would be helpful. I have no longer a way to run DOS/djgpp programs. I scrapped my old Win-XP box.

What about the targets (like MSVC) that does not have `` ?

> .. , RDS shows on the info card, all looks fine. Just no sound. Same here on Windows-10.

@gskt17 Your links mentions PowerShell for the most part. I forgot to say I'm using [4NT]( as my shell. So the bug is in probably in the underlaying conhost process.