buildstrap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
buildstrap copied to clipboard

buildstrap: when buildout+pip=♥

Buildstrap: generate a buildout config for any *env project

WTFPL Python3 Issues Build Code Climate Coverage

There's pyenv, pyvenv, venv, virtualenv… and who knows how many other ways to deal with development of python programs in a per-project self-contained manner.

While most of the python community tried to keep up, and got their shell configuration or global pip changing regularly, some have been quietly enjoying python development the same way for the last ten years, using buildout for their development.

Though, it's a fact that buildout is not the standard way to do things, even if it's a very convenient tool. So to keep your repositories compatible with most *env tools available — or get buildout with other projects. I wrote this tool to make it easy to create a buildout environment within the project.

Quickstart Guide

Here we'll see the most common usages, and refer to the full documentation for more details.


when you got a repository that has requirements files, at the root of your project's directory, call buildstrap using:

% buildstrap run project requirements.txt

where project as second argument is the name of the package as you've set it up in your — and as you'd import it from other python code.

Running that command will generate the buildout.cfg file, and run buildout in your current directory. Then you'll find all your scripts available in the newly created bin directory of your project.

If you have several requirements.txt files, depending on the task you want to do, it's easy:

% buildstrap run project -p pytest -p sphinx requirements.txt requirements-test.txt requirements-doc.txt

which will create three sections in your buildout.cfg file, and get all the appropriate dependencies.

Here's a real life example:

% git hub clone kennethreitz/requests    # cf 'Nota Bene'
% cd requests
% buildstrap run requests requirements.txt
% bin/py.test
… (look at the tests result)
% bin/python3
>>> import requests

or another one:

% git hub clone jkbrzt/httpie            # cf 'Nota Bene'
% cd httpie
% buildstrap run httpie requirements-dev.txt
% bin/py.test
… (look at the tests result)
% bin/http --version


it's as easy as any other python program:

% pip install buildstrap

or from the sources:

% git hub clone guyzmo/buildstrap
% cd buildstrap
% python3 install


for development you just need to do:

% pip install buildstrap
% git clone
% cd buildstrap
% builstrap run buildstrap -p pytest -p sphinx requirements.txt requirement-test.txt requirement-doc.txt
% bin/buildstrap

Yeah, I'm being evil here 😈

You can have a look at the sources documentation.

Nota Bene

You might wonder where does the git hub clone command comes from, and I'm using here another project I wrote: guyzmo/git-repo.

Simply put, git hub clone user/project is equivalent to git clone


Copyright © 2016 Bernard `Guyzmo` Pratz <[email protected]>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See the LICENSE file for more details.