language-cython-for-vscode copied to clipboard
comments uses // instead of #
Hi, Thanks for the cython syntax support ! Just a quick feedback : It should be useful to get a python-like comments when toogle code comments (block & line) instead of a C/C++ like (//, /**)
Hi, I can not reproduce your problem, the plugin works as expected(comment with '#'
Can you provide more details(eg: OS version, vscode version and plugin version, and/or screenshot)?
Hi, I'm using the last stable versions of VSCode (1.33.1) and Language-Cython (0.0.5). The issue is when using the Edit>Toggle Line Comment or Toggle Block Comment (or shortcuts) with the Cython syntax activated it comment using // instead of #. However the color syntax is correct, it detects # as comments and // as regular characters...
I use the same version with you, but still can't reproduce. What's your OS version? Do you install other plugins about cython?
Sorry, I'm under Windows 10 Pro, I don't have any other cython plugins :(
On Linux (Ubuntu 19.10), I fixed this problem by reloading the window:
:Reload Window
@stowejt this worked for me. Using Ubuntu 20.04, VS code 1.53 and Language-Cython 0.0.6, and having the same problem as @T4mmi
Same issue as @kasliwalr in Windows 10 and V.S. code 1.72.1
same issue with macOS
Same issue, Windows 10 and VS Code 1.73.1
The problem is in cython.configuration.json
. I manually fixed it by replacing the old comments
section in the file:
"comments": {
// symbol used for single line comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support line comments
"lineComment": "#",
// symbols used for start and end a block comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support block comments
"blockComment": [ "\"\"\"", "\"\"\"" ]