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A nodejs client for pigpio socket interface.
Pigpio-client exposes the socket interface APIs of the pigpio library using nodejs. This allows you to connect to a Raspberry Pi, running remotely or local, and manipulate its GPIO pins with javascript. The pigpio socket interface is described more fully here:
New in v1.5.2
- Add Trigger API
Installing and Running pigpio daemon
A guide for installing and running pigpiod along with other useful information can be found in the wiki
pigpio-client usage example
const pigpio = require('pigpio-client').pigpio({host: 'raspberryHostIP'});
const ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pigpio.once('connected', resolve);
pigpio.once('error', reject);
function wait(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
ready.then(async (info) => {
// display information on pigpio and connection status
// get events from a button on GPIO 17
const button = pigpio.gpio(17);
await button.modeSet('input');
button.notify((level, tick)=> {
console.log(`Button changed to ${level} at ${tick} usec`)
// control an LED on GPIO 4
const led = pigpio.gpio(4);
await led.modeSet('output');
await led.write(1); // turn on LED
await wait(500);
await led.write(0); // turn off
await wait(500);
// use waves to blink the LED rapidly (toggle every 100ms)
await led.waveClear();
await led.waveAddPulse([[1, 0, 100000], [0, 1, 100000]]);
const blinkWave = await led.waveCreate();
led.waveChainTx([{loop: true}, {waves: [blinkWave]}, {repeat: true}]);
// wait for 10 sec, stop the waves
await wait(10000);
await led.waveTxStop();
All APIs accept error-first callback as an optional last argument, and also return
a promise (and thus can be safely used with async/await).
Depending on the presence of a callback argument, errors returned by pigpio are delivered in
two ways: Methods called without a callback emit 'error' events. Methods called
with a callback are supplied an Error
object as the first argument returned.
Arguments to callback are: (error, response)
unless otherwise noted.
Construct a pigpio object and connect it to options.host
Options have the following properties:
- host:
The remote IP address to host running pigpio daemon. Defaults to 'localhost'. - port:
The port used to configure pigpiod. Default is 8888. - pipelining:
DEPRECATED. Configures internal socket communications. - timeout:
The network socket timeout in minutes. Default is 0. Timeout enables automatic retries to connect to the server after any socket error is encountered. During the timeout period, connection will be retried every 5 seconds. An 'error' event will be emitted after the timeout period expires. After connection is established, if keep-alive packets are not received from the server within timeout minutes, the network sockets will be closed and a 'disconnected' event emitted. If timeout is used, it is recommended to set its value to > 1 minute. Also recommended is to use V68 of pigpio library.
Return a gpio object set to the Broadcom GPIO number
specified by gpio_pin. An error will be thrown if gpio_pin is not a valid user GPIO.
Return a serialport object constructed from GPIO
pins for rx, tx and dtr. Rx and Tx may use the same pin for a loop-back. DTR pin
is optional. An error will be thrown if the pins are not valid user GPIO. Constructing
a serialport object will clear all waveforms.
Emitted after both command and notification sockets are connected
to pigpiod. An 'info' object is passed to the handler. You should wait for this
event before attempting to construct other objects - gpio, serialport.
Emitted when the socket connections are closed, for any reason,
or when no pigpio keep-alive packet is received within timeout>0 minutes.
Error objects are passed to the 'error' event handler unless a callback
was provided when invoking an API. Pigpio errors have the name
property set to
and a code
and message
property set corresponding the numeric value
returned by the socket interface. For pigpio-client specific APIs, the error name
is set to PigpioClientError
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all references to gpio pin numbers use Broadcom numbering.
pigpio methods
Returns useful information about rpi hardware and pigpiod.
Return current timer tick in microseconds. gpioTick
Returns levels of GPIO bits 31-0. gpioRead_Bits_0_31
Ends socket communications. Callback is invoked on 'disconnected'
DEPRECATED. Invokes socket.destroy() on both network sockets.
Re-establishes communication with server after being disconnected.
pigpio.i2cOpen(bus, address, callback)
Return a handle for communication
with a device attached to a bus on the I2C peripheral. bus==0
uses (Broadcom)
gpio 0 and 1, while bus==1
use gpio 2 and 3 for SDA and SCL respectively. address
takes values 1-127.
pigpio.i2cClose(handle, callback)
Close the I2C device associated with handle.
pigpio.i2cReadDevice(handle, count, callback)
Read count bytes from the i2c
device referred by handle. Returns tuple (error, count, data). error
is 0 on
success or an error code. count
is the number of bytes read. data
is a buffer.
pigpio.i2cWriteDevice(handle, data, callback)
Write data to the i2c device
referred by handle. data
is a byte array or utf8 string. Returns 0 if
OK, otherwise an error code.
pigpio.bscI2C(address, data, callback)
Transfer data to/from the BSC I2C
slave peripheral using gpio 18 (SDA) and 19 (SCL). The data bytes (if any) are
written to the BSC transmit FIFO and the bytes in the BSC receive FIFO are
returned. The depth of the FIFO is 32 bytes.
This function is not available on the BCM2711 (e.g. as used in the Pi4B).
is a non-zero 7-bit i2c address the slave device will respond to.
If address
is 0, the BSC peripheral is turned off and gpio 18/19 are reset to
input mode.
, optional, is a byte array or utf8 string up to 512 bytes.
The return value is a byte array containing: A byte-count byte followed by 4 status bytes followed by the data bytes read from the RX FIFO.
event is emitted when data is available to read from the BSC I2C
gpio basic methods
gpio.modeSet(mode, cb)
Sets the gpio mode to be input or output. The mode
argument must be string
with a value of 'input'
, 'in'
, 'output'
or 'out'
The optional callback is invoked with either null
argument on success or error
on failure.
gpio.trigger(len, level, cb)
Send a trigger pulse to a GPIO. The GPIO is set
to level
for len
microseconds. The optional callback is invoked with either
argument on success or error
on failure.
Returns the mode of gpio as argument to callback. gpioGetMode
gpio.pullUpDown(pud, cb)
pud=2: set pullup resistor, pud=1: set pulldown
resistor, pud=0: clear resistor setting.gpioSetPullUpDown
Returns the gpio pin level as argument to callback.
gpio.write(level, cb)
Sets the gpio output level to on (1) or off (0). If
PWM or servo pulses are active on the gpio they are switched off. gpioWrite
gpio.analogWrite(dutyCycle, cb)
Set the PWM dutycycle (0-255) on the gpio. Caution:
This will stop all waveform generation. gpioPWM
gpio.hardwarePWM(frequency, dutyCycle, callback)
Set the hardware PWM dutycycle (0-1000000) on the gpio. Only works with pins that support hardware PWM (12,13,18,19); max two channels available. PWM frequency is also specified - not likely to work above 30MHz though. Caution:
This will stop all waveform generation. gpioHardwarePWM
gpio.setServoPulsewidth(pulseWidth, cb)
Starts servo pulses on gpio. Pulsewidth can be set to 0 (off) and from 500 (most anti-clockwise) to 2500 (most clockwise). Be aware that you can damage your servo when setting a too high pulseWidth. A value of 1500 (mid-point) is a good starting point to check range of your servo. gpioServo
Returns the pulsewidth of gpio as argument to callback. gpioGetServoPulsewidth
gpio waveform methods
Clear all waveforms (release DMA control blocks, reset wave IDs). gpioWaveClear
Returns the wave id of waveform created from previous calls
to waveAddPulse
or waveAddSerial
. gpioWaveCreate
Returns 1 if wave is still transmitting, otherwise 0. gpioWaveTxBusy
gpio.waveNotBusy(interval, callback)
Invokes callback
when waveform ends.
Polls waveform status at interval msec. Defaults to 25msec.
gpio.waveAddPulse([Pulse_t], cb)
Add array of Pulse_t to gpio of current
waveform. Pulse_t is a tuple [1, 0, delay] for positive pulse, [0, 1, delay]
for negative pulse width = delay. gpioWaveAddGeneric
gpio.waveChainTx([{loop:x}, {waves: [wids]}, {delay:y}, {repeat:z}], cb)
Transmit a chain of waves represented by array of wave IDs [wids]
. The chain can have loops, be separated by delays and repeated by inclusion of option objects.
- loop : x, begins a loop. x can be anything
- delay: y, insert of delay of y=0 to 65535 microseconds
- repeat: z, repeat loop z=0 to 65535 times or forever if z=true
gpio.waveSendSync(wid, cb)
Synchronizes wid
to the currently active
waveform. gpioWaveTxSend
with mode set to PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT_SYNC.
gpio.waveSendOnce(wid, cb)
Send the wave id, wid
, one time. gpioWaveTxSend
with mode set to PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT.
Return currently active wave id, no wave being transmitted
(9999) or wave not found (9998). gpioWaveTxAt
Aborts the transmission of the current waveform.
This function is intended to stop a waveform started in repeat mode. waveTxStop
gpio.waveDelete(wid, cb)
Delete the wave id wid
. gpioWaveDelete
Note: waveClear
, waveCreate
and waveBusy
are not gpio specific. These methods
are made available to the gpio object for convenience and as a reminder that only
a single waveform can be active.
Note: waveBusy
and waveNotBusy
return status are global indication of waveform state - not specific to gpio!
gpio notification methods
Registers the notification function callback
. callback
is invoked whenever the gpio state changes. Arguments to callback
are level
and tick where tick represents the system's time since boot.
Unregisters the notification on gpio. For convenience,
a null tick value is sent - useful for stream objects that wrap the notifier callback.
gpio.glitchSet(steady, cb)
Sets a glitch filter (0-300000) on gpio in microseconds. Only effects notifications.
gpio bit_bang_serial methods
gpio.serialReadOpen(baudRate, dataBits, cb)
- gpioSerialReadOpen
gpio.serialRead(count, cb)
Returns cb(null, length, buf). buf is Uint8Array
of length length. gpioSerialRead
gpio.serialReadInvert(mode, cb)
Mode is 'invert' || 'normal'. gpioSerialReadInvert
- gpioWaveAddSerial
serialport methods
Experimental, these APIs may change in the future.
Argument baudRate must be a number
from 50 to 250000. Argument dataBits must be a number from 1 to 32. If the rx gpio
is already open for bit-bang serial read the method will close the gpio and then
re-open it.
serialport.read(size, cb)
size is an optional argument representing the
number of bytes to read. If not specified, all the data in pigpio's cyclic buffer
is returned (up to 8192 bytes). Returns cb(null, data) where data is a utf8
string. If the serialport is not open, returns cb(null).
data is utf8 string or Uint8Buffer. The data is
buffered then sent out in chunk sizes that fit the available waveform resources.
Returns the number of bytes remaining in the buffer. If the serialport is not open,
returns -1. Any pigpio errors occurring during write will be thrown to limit the
possibility of data corruption.
Close serialport.
Closes rx gpio for bb_serial_read and changes gpios tx and
dtr mode to input.
Environment Variables for Debugging
Environment variables can be set to display messages from pigpio-client to assist in troubleshooting your application. DEBUG='pigpio' will enable status messages. For tracing the all socket communication use: PIGPIO=1.
DEBUG='pigpio' node myApp.js
Only a single instance of serialport is supported. <=1.1.x