Guy Kogus
Guy Kogus
The issue is that you're opening the Swift Package, which won't work since we can't define platform-specific resources for the test targets. Instead you'll need to open the `SwifterSwift.xcworkspace`.
We are also having a problem here. For now we're simply hiding the map during UI testing, which isn't ideal. Is there any update on a solution?
@mikechout this is something that I'd like to do but just haven't had the time. You're more than welcome to create a PR.
@mikechout have a look at and tell me what you think.
@gurgeous sorry that we never continued this conversation, I guess I got distracted and then this was forgotten. Any chance you'd want to continue with the PR?
Closing as this PR isn't being addressed properly by the author. Feel free to reopen if you ever want to continue with it.
@TheStalwart sorry for the very late reply to this issue. I'm not sure what you would like to change about the documentation. It's not saying that Friday is the 5th...
I tested to see what happens if you change `firstWeekday` in the `Calendar` and it doesn't change the `weekday` value. As far as `Calendar` is concerned the value is locale-agnostic,...
@xhruso00 thanks for catching this. Why don’t you try and submit a PR to fix it?
@RomanPodymov if you want to already call `await` then modern `XCTest` allows you to do that. ```swift final class XCTestTests: XCTestCase { func testAsyncTests() async { let getValue: () async...