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Console.log Lifecycle events in a React Component
Console.log Lifecycle events in a React Component
Questions? Ask me @wildfiction. Or create an issue.
npm install react-log-lifecycle
npm install react-log-lifecycle --save-dev
In your React component:
import React from 'react';
import LogLifecyle from 'react-log-lifecycle';
// Optional flags:
const flags = {
// If logType is set to keys then the props of the object being logged
// will be written out instead of the whole object. Remove logType or
// set it to anything except keys to have the full object logged.
logType: 'keys',
// A list of the param "types" to be logged.
// The example below has all the types.
names: ['props', 'nextProps', 'nextState', 'prevProps', 'prevState']
export default class MyReactComponent extends LogLifecyle {
constructor(props) {
super(props, flags);
render() {
console.log('MyReactComponent render');
return (
<div>My Component with React Lifecycle Logging</div>
Output in Console window
This output is without the optional flags object enabled above. With the flags enabled this will also output the objects or objects' keys.
#1.1 constructor(props)
- Start of cycle #1
- replaces getInitialState()
- assign to this.state to set initial state.
#1.2 componentWillMount()
- Invoked Once (client and server)
- Can change state here with this.setState() (will not trigger addition render)
- Just before render()
MyReactComponent render
#1.3 componentDidMount()
- Invoked Once (client only)
- refs to children now available
- integrate other JS frameworks, timers, ajax etc. here
- Just after render()
- End of Cycle #1
#2.1 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps)
- Start of cycle #2
- invoked when component is receiving new props
- not called in cycle #1
- this.props is old props
- parameter to this function is nextProps
- can call this.setState() here (will not trigger addition render)
#2.2 shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
- invoked when new props/state being received
- not called on forceUpdate()
- returning false from here prevents component update and the next 2 parts of the Lifecycle: componentWillUpdate() componentDidUpdate()
- returns true by default;
#2.3 componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
- cannot use this.setState() (do that in componentWillReceiveProps() above)
- Just before render()
MyReactComponent render
#2.4 componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState)
- Just after render()
#3.1 componentWillUnmount()
- invoked immediately before a component is unmounted from DOM
- do cleanup here. e.g. kill timers and unlisten to events such as flux store updates