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Python library to support building hardware gadgets with the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
A library for interfacing hardware with the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black. Supports SSD1306 displays, rotary encoders, capacitance switches, RGB leds and other devices.
Changes at 3.0
Version 3 is a breaking upgrade. Programs written for earlier versions will need some changes.
- most constructors now take a gpio argument as their first parameter.
- all modules are now written for Python 3.
- the rotary encoder now supports interrupts.
- the oauth module has been largely rewritten.
Platform Compatibility
This library runs on both the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black. However some classes have not yet been ported or tested on both platforms, so refer to the table below for compatibility information.
Important - this is Gaugette version 2, which at present ONLY supports Python 3. I have not yet tested it on the BeagleBone.
Prerequisites for the Raspberry Pi
WiringPi and WiringPi-Python
Modules that use GPIO require wiringpi and WiringPi-Python.
To install wiringpi-python for the RaspberryPi:
sudo pip install wiringpi
Please refer to their README:
gaugette.ssd1306 requires spidev.
Prerequisites for the BeagleBone Black
Adafruit BBIO
Modules that use GPIO or SPI require Adafruit_BBIO.
To install:
/usr/bin/ntpdate -b -s -u
opkg update && opkg install python-pip python-setuptools python-smbus
pip install Adafruit_BBIO
SSD1306 OLED Usage
import gaugette.gpio
import gaugette.ssd1306
DC_PIN = 16
gpio = gaugette.gpio.GPIO()
spi = gaugette.spi.SPI(bus=0, device=0)
led = gaugette.ssd1306.SSD1306(gpio, spi, reset_pin=RESET_PIN, dc_pin=DC_PIN)
led.draw_text2(0,0,'Hello World',2)
SSD1306 Font Usage
from gaugette.fonts import arial_16
font = arial_16 # fonts are modules, does not need to be instantiated
# draw_text3 returns the col position following the printed text.
x = led.draw_text3(0,0,'Hello World',font)
# text_width returns the width of the string in pixels, useful for centering:
text_width = led.text_width('Hello World',font)
x = (128-text_width)/2
led.draw_text3(x,0,'Hello World',font)
The fonts include the printable ASCII characters ('!' through '~') and because of the usefulness of the degree symbol '°', it has been added as a non-standard character 127 (0x7F hex and 177 octal). Use the degree symbol in a python literal like this:
textSize = led.draw_text3(0,0,'451\177F', font)
OAuth Usage
import gaugette.oauth
CLIENT_ID = 'your client_id here'
CLIENT_SECRET = 'your client secret here'
oauth = gaugette.oauth.OAuth(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
if not oauth.has_token():
user_code = oauth.get_user_code()
print "Go to %s and enter the code %s" % (oauth.verification_url, user_code)
CapSwitch Usage
import gaugette.gpio
import gaugette.capswitch
gpio = gaugette.gpio.GPIO()
switch = gaugette.capswitch.CapSwitch(gpio, SWITCH_PIN)
while True:
if switch.sense():
print 'sensed'
Rgb Led Usage
import gaugette.gpio
import gaugette.rgbled
R_PIN = 4
G_PIN = 5
B_PIN = 6
gpio = gaugette.gpio.GPIO()
led = gaugette.rgbled.RgbLed(gpio, R_PIN,R_PIN,B_PIN)
Pin numbers are Wiring pin numbers. They differ from hardware pin or GPIO ids.
Rotary Encoder Usage
import time
import gaugette.gpio
import gaugette.rotary_encoder
A_PIN = 7
B_PIN = 9
gpio = gaugette.gpio.GPIO()
encoder = gaugette.rotary_encoder.RotaryEncoder(gpio, A_PIN, B_PIN)
while True:
delta = encoder.get_cycles()
if delta!=0:
print "rotate %d" % delta
Pin numbers are Wiring pin numbers. They differ from hardware pin or GPIO ids. Connect your C pin of the encoder to Ground.
Switch Usage
import gaugette.gpio
import gaugette.switch
SW_PIN = 8
gpio = gaugette.gpio.GPIO()
sw = gaugette.switch.Switch(gpio, SW_PIN)
last_state = sw.get_state()
while True:
state = sw.get_state()
if state != last_state:
print "switch %d" % state
last_state = state
Pin numbers are Wiring pin numbers. They differ from hardware pin or GPIO ids.
You can wire the switch to either GND or Vcc. By default this class assumes the free leg of the switch is wired to GND.
# switch is wired to GND
sw = gaugette.switch.Switch(gpio, SW_PIN) # pullUp defaults to True
# which is equivalent to...
sw = gaugette.switch.Switch(gpio, SW_PIN, pullUp=True)
If you wire to Vcc you must set the optional pullUp parameter in the constructor to False.
# switch is wired to Vcc
sw = gaugette.switch.Switch(gpio, SW_PIN, pullUp=False)
Regardless of the wiring polarity, the returned results are 0 for switch open, 1 for switch closed.
Discussion At
Using This Module In Your Code
You can use this code by checking it out into your source directory as follows:
cd myApplication
git clone git://
ln -s py-gaugette/gaugette gaugette
The soft link is created so that the local directory gaugette
will point to
which simplifies your import statements.
Alternatively if you want to install this module as a system-wide python module, you can do so as follows:
cd myPythonStuff
git clone git://
cd py-gaugette
sudo python install