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UWP Support
After injecting cheat.dll with loader.exe and enabling global visuals in the menu there is still nothing displaying in the game. Btw can you tell me which version of windows are u using ?
I use Windows 10 2004 currently.
Can you provide more info about your issue? Did you enable other settings except 'Global Visual Enable' checkbox?
Yep I enabled every single checkbox in visuals menu and still nothing displaying in the game :/ Global visuals checkbox also enabled
Do you use steam version of game?
Nope Windows Store version
I didn't test cheat with Windows Store version. Are there 'Exception' lines in 'log.txt' file?
Where is that log.txt ? Cuz i dont have it in my folder with cheat
It should be near Cheat.dll. It creates every time you inject the cheat.
Nope nothing were created
Btw I tried to load the dll with process hacker and after loading cheat.dll module I dont see it in module list is that normal ?
It should be in module list if you inject with process hacker. Maybe there is something different in Microsoft Store package of game. Also, I can't understand why log.txt is not created for you.
I'm not sure, but the reason that log.txt is not created can be in having non-ascii characters in path
My folder name with the cheat is called "new" so I don't think that is the problem. I think something is fucked with the injector cuz after using a loader or module load via process hacker I don't see any "cheat.dll" module.
I have bought xbox pass and i'll try to figure out what problem
Ok thanks so much let me know if u fix the issue
To add support for UWP version of Sea of Thieves I need to do a huge rework. I don't think I gonna do it shortly. For some reason UWP apps don't create usual WinAPI window, also they don't have access to entire filesystem. With this in head I need to rewrite the cheat.
I assume that you open 'Menu.exe'. 'Menu.exe' is just app to test cheat menu without game. Actually, this menu is implemented in 'Cheat.dll' and you don't need to open 'Menu.exe' in usual cases.
Ok, thanks for letting me know what was the issue.
Still nothing
Btw do I need some special permissions to inject that cheat?
I didn't add UWP support to cheat yet. Only done UWP injector.
I finally made game to render my menu, now i need to come up with input system.
Very nice man I'm waiting for update.
As of today update cheat should be working in UWP version, but with some known bugs:
- you can close/open menu only when you have started voyage.
- you can't type values with your keyboard
- bug with cursor (manual fix: minimize and maximize game to show or hide cursor)
- you can't save cheat settings
To compile cheat for UWP version set below 1 to 0 in cheat.cpp before compiling
#if 1
#define STEAM
Thanks for the update dude I'm still waiting for further improvements. For me I can use menu even if I'm not in the voyage. But after changing from fullscreen to borderless my games crashing.
Bug ~Aimbot works only if menu is active
The menu doesn't show up at all for me it. It just makes my cursor disappear.
My 14-day xbox game pass has already expired. doubt that I can continue research on the UWP version, I hope that some interested guy will do a PR with solving all these problems related to UWP or make a working fork.