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🤖 Web Scrape to Flashcore


Flashscore is a popular website providing live scores, statistics, and news across various sports. However, it lacks an official API for developers to access its data. This is where FlashscoreScraping comes in.

This project caters to users seeking reliable sports results data. Sports enthusiasts can leverage the scraper's data to track their favorite teams, analyze past results, and predict future outcomes. Moreover, researchers, students, and educators can utilize the data for academic purposes.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the project:

    git clone https://github.com/gustavofariaa/FlashscoreScraping.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd FlashscoreScraping
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the scraping:

    To utilize the scraping, you need to specify a country and a league. Additionally, you can indicate whether to run the scraping in headless mode and specify the output file path.

    Parameter Required Default Value Description
    country - The country for which results are to be crawled.
    league - The league for which results are to be crawled.
    headless false When specified, the scraping runs without a user interface.
    path ./src/data The path to save the output file.
    type json The format of the output file (json or csv).


    npm run start country=brazil league=serie-a-2023 headless

    This command runs the s for the Brazilian Serie A 2023 in headless mode and saves the results in JSON format to standard output.

    npm run start country=england league=premier-league-2022-2023 path=./src/data type=csv

    This command runs the scraping for the English Premier League 2022-2023 in graphical mode and saves the results in CSV format to the specified path ./src/data.

Data Example

The data returned by the scraping includes information such as match date, team names, scores, and statistics.


Parameter Type Description
date string The date and time of the match.
home object:Team Information about the home team.
away object:Team Information about the away team.
result object:Result Result of the match.
statistics array<Statistic> An array of match statistics.

JSON Format

  "2Ba0ep6H": {
    "date": "17.07.2023 20:00",
    "home": {
      "name": "Goias",
      "image": "https://static.example.com/image/goias.png"
    "away": {
      "name": "Atletico-MG",
      "image": "https://static.example.com/image/atletico-mg.png"
    "result": {
      "home": "0",
      "away": "0",
      "penalty": null,
      "status": "FINISHED"
    "statistics": [
        "categoryName": "Expected Goals (xG)",
        "homeValue": "1.79",
        "awayValue": "0.26"

CSV Format

matchId,date,home.name,home.image,away.name,away.image,result.home,result.away,result.penalty,result.status,Expected Goals (xG).home,Expected Goals (xG).away,...
GCMMfLmA,17.07.2023 20:00,Goias,https://static.example.com/image/goias.png,Atletico-MG,https://static.example.com/image/atletico-mg.png,0,0,FINISHED,1.79,0.26,...



Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the team.
image string The URL of the team's logo.

JSON Format

   "home": {
      "name": "Goias",
      "image": "https://static.example.com/image/goias.png"
   "away": {
      "name": "Atletico-MG",
      "image": "https://static.example.com/image/atletico-mg.png"

CSV Format




Parameter Type Description
home string The score of the home team.
away string The score of the away team.
penalty string? The number of penalties awarded in the match (if applicable).
status string The status of the match.

JSON Format

  "home": "0",
  "away": "0",
  "penalty": null,
  "status": "FINISHED"

CSV Format




Parameter Type Description
categoryName string The name of the statistical category.
homeValue string The value of the statistic for the home team.
awayValue string The value of the statistic for the away team.

JSON Format

     "categoryName": "Expected Goals (xG)",
     "homeValue": "1.79",
     "awayValue": "0.26"
      "categoryName": "Ball Possession",
      "homeValue": "42%",
      "awayValue": "58%"

CSV Format

Expected Goals (xG).home,Expected Goals (xG).away,Ball Possession.home,Ball Possession.away,...

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue.