Augustin LAVILLE

Results 18 comments of Augustin LAVILLE

This issue is really interesting for me. If you have some idea for a real export I could help.

I'm currently working on this issue. I'll post update in following hours/days when it starts working.

No news for a while here, I was really busy at work + holidays. @omardelarosa your solution is really interesting, more than mine by far. I'll try to port it...

Not at all, onyl dirty hacks for my own computer. I'm not working on this issue anymore sorry.

> May I ask how to encrypt the material resources of the game? Yes, but you're not at the good place:

If mapping could be a JSON file it would be easier to use it with another language like Python. Thank you for your work!

I have a dirty patch that work in my specific case: ```diff if delegate_to is None and remote_transport is False: dest_is_local = True elif delegate_to is not None and delegate_to...