Agustín Gimenez Bernad

Results 18 issues of Agustín Gimenez Bernad

I've updated the nVidia drivers to the latest version and now I can't get the HMD to use 90 or 120Hz, when I try to set it it reverts automatically...

It seems the PS4 is sending data through HDMI to the headset, maybe using HDMI 2.0 network channels or with CEC 2.0 We need more info about this as it...

I'm looking at the capture posted on #17 and there is a very interesting thing on the 0x21 reports. ![]( byte b4 which for us is still unknown and b7...

So, this report does a lot more than we thought. Byte 1 and 3 control the led settings. Byte 1 is a two nibble value, first nibble turns on/off the...

I've been thinking a bit about the H.264 interface. I'm not an expert in H.264 but I have used it a bit with streaming cameras, these used RTP encapsulation to...

Hi. I'm using the latest ScpToolkit on my computer to use a DS3 gamepad and I'm tryting to implement a feeder for a device I'm creating. The thing is that...

Hi. I'm using the project to create an emulator and I found that the IO system does not work as a real Z80 so a lot of machines will not...

Create a view options pane where the user can select which lines are visible in the sample viewer and also allows to select its order.
