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Simple CQRS application using Axon without Event Sourcing

Simple CQRS with Axon

This is a port of the application from axon-quick-start application intended as a quick intro to the Axon framework.

The difference is that I've tried to simplify some things.

  • There is still axon-spring-boot-starter starter
  • There is no Axon server. The application is completely standalone.
  • There is no Event Sourcing. All aggregates (states) are persisted as JPA entities at the end of each domain event processing.
  • Since there is no Event Sourcing there is no need for an EventStorageEngine.
  • Everything (aggregates, projections) is persisted into the in-memory H2 database.

The idea is to see what minimal beans need to be declared to make this scenario work.

  • We still need to declare and configure an instance of org.axonframework.commandhandling.SimpleCommandBus
  • We also need an instance of org.axonframework.eventhandling.SimpleEventBus
  • The rest of the infrastructure is wired by the starter

Copyright disclaimer and acknowledgements

This code is based heavily on the code for the axon-quick-start exercise (and the solution).