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Playground application demonstrating DDD, EDA, CQRS with Axon

Axon Multi-services

:construction: Attention: under construction :construction:

:warning: Note, in there is a use of QueryGateway for validation of the address assigment. This goes against CQRS principles stating that a Saga must not access the read-model (or projections). See this question and answer for more details.


Playground application with uses Axon framework to demonstrates a way of building a distributed event-driven system around the concepts of domain-driven design and CQRS.

Application structure

There are several modules, they are standalone Spring Boot applications or libraries:

  • common: module containing configuration (Maven dependencies) common to other modules
  • core: module with all commands and events shared by other modules
  • db: H2 file database running as a TCP server
  • address: microservice around "address" aggregate
  • person: microservice around "person" aggregate
  • saga: Saga implementation of a business transaction (private address assignment)

Axon configuration

  • Using Axon Server version 4.1 without event sourcing infrastructure
  • Aggregates, projections, and Sagas persist their states in the separate schemas of the central H2 database

CQRS and messaging infrastructure

This is the overview of the system:



  • http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html (Person)
  • http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html (Address)


This is how assigning private address to a person Saga proceeds:


Build and run with Docker

  • Run mvn package on the project
  • Run docker-compose up

H2 database

  • Access H2 console at http://localhost:8079/h2-console
  • Use Server configuration
  • JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9090/./axondb;IFEXISTS=true;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE

Links and resources used in this project