Gustavo Benedetto Papi Muñiz Costa

Results 117 comments of Gustavo Benedetto Papi Muñiz Costa

> Work around: Open key bindings and delete the offending shortcut keys from markdown.extension.on'KEY' @ChristopherEeles , sorry, I did not understand. Are you suggesting me to do it or are...

But I do not have this extension. It is the spellright which causes conflict with this extension.

I have also this problem. My project is Idea-based, but I took Gradle from a sample Kotlin project. A new version of this extensions showed more than 150 errors and...

@fwcd Here is the log: ``` [Info - 12:29:35] main Connected to client [Info - 12:29:35] client Adding workspace file:///home/gusbemacbe/IdeaProjects/KotlinEssencialAndroid to source path [Info - 12:29:35] client Adding .../src/modulo1-aula8.kt, .../src/modulo1-aula9.kt,...

Hello @ryu-ketsueki > Also, there is a feature on Plasma that makes the action icons white if they are highlighted, something that doesn't happen with Yaru++ This is too new...

Ciao @Bonandry Hai dimenticato di ricollegare l'icona di `riot.svg` alla nuova icona `im.riot.Riot`.

@proletarius101 As the new version has already been release a week ago, then I can't revert the new version to get these new icons. You must copy these icons of...

Ciao @r3mis, Chi si prende cura dei colori delle cartelle sono io e non Andrea. Andrea si prende cura solo delle icone di applicazioni, dispositivi e tipi di file. Abbiamo...

Se non sei felice con il colore girgio delle cartelle, per favore, mostraci un esempio di una cartella con i colori che vuoi.

Hello everybody! Sorry for my longer absence. I did not update Suru++ projects since last July because I am mostly focused on @Bonandry's Adwaita++ and Yaru++ projects. When I will...