java-android-websocket-client icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
java-android-websocket-client copied to clipboard

Java/Android WebSocket Client

Results 8 java-android-websocket-client issues
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hi I am trying to send data with this library and when i see results in other side it sends just headers i cant find data ` private static final...

I added enableAutomaticReconnection(5000) but after i get this exception (System.err: tech.gusavila92.websocketclient.exceptions.InvalidServerHandshakeException: Invalid status code. Expected 101, received: 503) the web socket does not retry to connect after 5000ms


Hello, I got problem with connecting to esp8266 board using websockets when it runs as AP without internet connection. How I could solve this problem? `I/System.out: failed to connect to...

webSocket.close(RES_CODE,description); This is possible in okHtttp, is it possible with this library...?


Connecting to a Swoole Websocket Server results to a 400 error based on this example: has been replaced with and works Ok with Simple WebSocket Client extension...

Hi! Need use ExecutorService for send data.

The Server handshake is done with SHA1 algo. This algo is considered as a weak algo and shall be upgraded to more secure sha256. Can you do that or tell...