
Results 80 comments of gus-massa

I prefer (min #f 1 2 3) ; ==> 1 (max #f 1 2 3) ; ==> 3 i.e. `#f` means "please ignore me". But I understand that in some...

@Metaxal: I just tried with the float-float case, and I got (min 0.0 -0.0) ; ==> -0.0 (min -0.0 0.0) ; ==> 0.0 I expected `min` and `max` to be...

Can you post a screenshot of the problem? My guess is that that it's related to the details about the language configuration. You can enable/disable a few optimization and perhaps...

This can be used to make (all?) modules cross-phase persistent? Somewhat related: * "Cross-phase persistent `gensym`?" * "Make `set` and all build-in objects cross-phase persistent" I think the...

Can you give an example of the trick in Ruby?

It looks like this is already fixed. Can someone confirm and close it?

Something that I think is weird is that an immutable `string` can be `equal?` to a mutable `string`, but an immutable `hash` can't be `equal?` to a mutable `hash`. (I...

Are you running Windows? Which version? When did you install Racket? Did DrRacket fail in the first try or it failed a few days/weeks later? Have you recently upgraded Windows...

[I'm totally clueless about what is happening, but let's make some questions anyway.] Can you post a video with a screen capture of the flickering? Is DrRacket maximized to one...

I'm not sure this s the problem .... just guessing. IIRC when you run a program that has a name that says "_installer_" sometimes Windows offer to run it as...