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Brute force attempt

Open jshrek opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

I know brute force becomes nearly impossible as the length of the password increases, but if it was a short password, it could still be checked relatively easily up to maybe 6 or 7 characters long.

Would the following token work for brute force to include all lower case, upper case, numbers and symbols from 1 to 5 characters long?


I found that %S did not work for $, but actually including $ worked fine. Also the only symbols I can not figure out how to add in are the left and right [ square brackets ]

jshrek avatar Sep 18 '17 12:09 jshrek

For your specific case, you may want to simply use %1,5p which contains all alphanumerics plus:


To answer your question though, the (almost*) only character that needs to be escaped inside a %[...]-style wildcard is ], everything else can appear verbatim. (In your case above, btcrecover ignores the extra %s.)

To include ], place it immediately after the %[. It's then considered part of the replacement set, and the next ] actually ends the wildcard, e.g. the wildcard %[]x] contains two replacement characters, ] and x.

More details can be found here.

* The default delimiter which separates tokens from one another is whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc.). This cannot be included inside %[...]-style wildcards, but there are two workarounds I can describe if you need this (--delimiter and --custom-wild).

gurnec avatar Sep 18 '17 15:09 gurnec

Great thanks for info!

jshrek avatar Sep 18 '17 15:09 jshrek