Andrea Passaglia
Andrea Passaglia This can result in code like this for custom auth: ``` val authentication: Authentication[Any] = new Authentication[Any] { override def addAuthentication(request: SttpRequest, supplementalSecret: Option[String]): SttpRequest = // ... }... A nice enhancement would be to peek into the kafka producer config, get the transaction timeout and issue a human readable warning in case the transaction is still open,... Here `TamerError` leaks to the user, a quick and dirty solution would be to widen to a `RIO`
After #540 there are no more checks of the state topic in case of crashes. On one hand the cases are greatly reduced by the introduction of transactionality, on the...
The field below, while logically belongs to core, it's never used by it and only used by the modules. This is just code smell and not a real problem but...