When training , we limit the paragraph length to 400 to train. But when testing, we use 740 as the paragraph length to test. Is it too amazing that the...
`aug` appears many times.. Thank you..
https://github.com/allenai/bi-att-flow/tree/master/basic and https://github.com/allenai/bi-att-flow/tree/master/basic_cnn Thank you.
For unsupervised text clustering, the key thing is the init embedding for text. If we want to use https://github.com/facebookresearch/deepcluster for text, the problem for text is how to get the...
I'm new to LeakGAN or SeqGAN or TextGAN. I know GAN is to generate text and let discriminator un-judge-able to real text and gen-text. LM(language model) is the task of...
Train data: `Who is Michael Jordan? ` and `Who is Air Jordan? ` are one right match. The test data is `Who is Jumpman Jordan? ` and `Who is Air...
I can not find the topic-model-feature code. Thank you! @pl8787 @HouJP
每次看test question是不是duplicate的时候,是要把所有的questions都检查一遍吗? @pl8787 @HouJP @ddDragon 谢谢!!
Train data: `Who is Michael Jordan? ` and `Who is Air Jordan? ` are one right match. The test data is `Who is Jumpman Jordan? ` and `Who is Air...