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LibRec: A Leading Java Library for Recommender Systems, see

Results 84 librec issues
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Hi, I'm using the BiasedMF recommender of libRec in my Java code, and I would like to change all the predicted ratings done by the BiasedMF by a value (for...

The default dataset to run here is filmtrust, but SBPR paper didn't have this dataset, it have epinions dataset, so may be change "data.input.path" into "epinions/rating" and change "data.appender.path" into...

Hello, I have two questions: 1) how can I compute precision@10, precision@5, precision@3 and precision@1 all together? If in my config file I write: rec.recommender.ranking.topn=10 rec.recommender.ranking.topn=5 rec.recommender.ranking.topn=3 rec.recommender.ranking.topn=1 .. librec...

It's supposed to be possible to have fully deterministic runs by setting Randoms.seed() before a run. However, in a few small instances, the Randoms class is not being used to...


loss value must sum with userBiasReg in line 164

在源码第164行中, loss += itemBiasReg * bu * bu; 虽然itemBiasReg和userBiasReg的初始值相等,但正确的写法应该是 loss += userBiasReg * bu * bu;

不知道是文档有误还是什么原因?在Recommender 中无train方法。 ![image](

1、文档中的maven依赖为3.0.0有误,应为2.0.0。 2、使用maven导入依赖后,在代码中无法应用librec中的类,查看项目的第三方库也没发现与librec相关的包,最后只能通过下载jar包手动导入才成功。