UDPBroadcastConnection copied to clipboard
Framework to send UDP broadcast messages and listen to responses using a Dispatch source.
First of all, thank you for a great functional framework! I was wondering what the best way of dealing with replies from more than one device on the same network....
I can't get this framework to work on a real Apple Watch (series 1, WatchOS 6.3). It works on a simulator but not on a real Apple Watch.
Hi, I am trying to use the example code, but am getting the following error when I try to invoke `sendBroadcast`: ```text "UDP connection failed to send data: No route...
When trying to send data to all available devices using udp broadcast, it gives me this log message: `“Error: sendingMessageFailed(code: 22)\n”]` `“Closing UDP socket”]`
I have implemented an M-Search with the package, and it works fine in the Playground, but not when I copy the code in my Mac app. Is there anything to...
` broadcastConnection = try UDPBroadcastConnection( port: 35602, handler: { (response: (ipAddress: String, port: Int, response: [UInt8])) -> Void in print("Received from \(response.ipAddress):\(response.port):\n\n\(response.response)") // it's empty }, errorHandler: { (error) in...