vim-clojure-static icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Performance issue related indent/clojure.vim

Open hovsater opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

I've just got my hands into Clojure recently and noticed that Vim was lagging pretty hard. It seems like the culprit is indent/clojure.vim.

Given the following Clojure file, adding newlines at the end of the file will result in noticeable lag.


(ns introduction-to-clojure.core
  (:require [bakery.core :refer :all]))

(defn error [& args]
  (apply println args)

(def baking  {:recipes {:cake {:ingredients {:egg   2
                                             :flour 2
                                             :sugar 1
                                             :milk  1}
                               :steps [[:add :all]
                                       [:bake 25]
                        :cookies {:ingredients {:egg 1
                                                :flour 1
                                                :butter 1
                                                :sugar 1}
                                  :steps [[:add :all]
                                          [:bake 30]
                        :brownies {:ingredients {:egg 2
                                                 :flour 2
                                                 :butter 2
                                                 :cocoa 2
                                                 :sugar 1
                                                 :milk 1}
                                   :steps [[:add :butter]
                                           [:add :cocoa]
                                           [:add :sugar]
                                           [:add :egg]
                                           [:add :flour]
                                           [:add :milk]
                                           [:bake 35]
              :ingredients {:egg {:storage :fridge
                                  :usage :squeezed}
                            :milk {:storage :fridge
                                   :usage :scooped}
                            :flour {:storage :pantry
                                    :usage :scooped}
                            :butter {:storage :fridge
                                     :usage :simple}
                            :sugar {:storage :pantry
                                    :usage :scooped}
                            :cocoa {:storage :pantry
                                    :usage :scooped}}})

(def usage {:squeezed (fn [ingredient amount]
                        (dotimes [i amount]
                          (grab ingredient)
            :simple (fn [ingredient amount]
                      (dotimes [i amount]
                        (grab ingredient)
            :scooped (fn [ingredient amount]
                       (grab :cup)
                       (dotimes [i amount]
                         (scoop ingredient)

(defn usage-type [ingredient]
  (let [ingredients (get baking :ingredients)
        info (get ingredients ingredient)]
    (get info :usage)))

(defn add
    (add ingredient 1))
  ([ingredient amount]
    (let [ingredient-type (usage-type ingredient)]
      (if (contains? usage ingredient-type)
        (let [f (get usage ingredient-type)]
          (f ingredient amount))
        (error "I do not know the ingredient" ingredient)))))

(def actions {:cool (fn [ingredients step]
              :mix  (fn [ingredients step]
              :pour (fn [ingredients step]
              :bake (fn [ingredients step]
                      (bake-pan (second step)))
              :add  (fn [ingredients step]
                        (and (= 2 (count step))
                             (= :all (second step)))
                          (doseq [kv ingredients]
                            (add (first kv) (second kv)))
                        (and (= 2 (count step))
                             (contains? ingredients (second step)))
                        (add (second step) (get ingredients (second step)))
                        (= 3 (count step))
                        (add (second step) (get step 2))
                        (error "I don't know how to add" (second step) (get step 2))))})

(defn perform [ingredients step]
  (let [f (get actions (first step) (fn [ingredients step]
                                      (println "I do not know how to" (first step))))]
    (f ingredients step)))

(defn bake-recipe [recipe]
    (for [step (get recipe :steps)]
      (perform (get recipe :ingredients) step))))

(defn load-up-amount [ingredient amount]
  (dotimes [i amount]
    (load-up ingredient)))

(defn unload-amount [ingredient amount]
  (dotimes [i amount]
    (unload ingredient)))

(defn fetch-ingredient
    (fetch-ingredient ingredient 1))
  ([ingredient amount]
    (let [ingredients (get baking :ingredients)
          info (get ingredients ingredient)]
      (if (contains? ingredients ingredient)
          (go-to (get info :storage))
          (load-up-amount ingredient amount)
          (go-to :prep-area)
          (unload-amount ingredient amount))
        (error "I don't know the ingredient" ingredient)))))

(defn storage-location [ingredient]
  (let [ingredients (get baking :ingredients)
        info (get ingredients ingredient)]
    (get info :storage)))

(defn fetch-list [shopping]
  (let [by-location (group-by (fn [item-amount]
                                (storage-location (first item-amount)))
    (doseq [loc by-location]
      (go-to (first loc))
      (doseq [item-amount (second loc)]
        (load-up-amount (first item-amount) (second item-amount)))))

  (go-to :prep-area)
  (doseq [item-amount shopping]
    (unload-amount (first item-amount) (second item-amount))))

(defn add-ingredients [a b]
  (merge-with + a b))

(defn multiply-ingredients [n ingredients]
  (into {}
    (for [kv ingredients]
      [(first kv) (* n (second kv))])))

(defn order->ingredients [order]
  (let [recipes (get baking :recipes)
        items (get order :items)]
    (reduce add-ingredients {}
            (for [kv items]
              (let [recipe (get recipes (first kv))
                    ingredients (get recipe :ingredients)]
                (multiply-ingredients (second kv) ingredients))))))

(defn orders->ingredients [orders]
  (reduce add-ingredients {}
    (for [order orders]
      (order->ingredients order))))

(defn bake [item]
  (let [recipes (get baking :recipes)]
    (bake-recipe (get recipes item))))

(defn day-at-the-bakery []
  (let [orders (get-morning-orders-day3)
        ingredients (orders->ingredients orders)]
    (fetch-list ingredients)
    (doseq [order orders]
      (let [items (get order :items)
            racks (for [kv items
                        i (range (second kv))]
                    (bake (first kv)))
            receipt {:orderid (get order :orderid)
                     :address (get order :address)
                     :rackids racks}]
        (delivery receipt)))))

(defn -main []


FUNCTION  <SNR>8_match_pairs()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 87
Called 63 times
Total time:   4.081067
 Self time:   0.245977

count  total (s)   self (s)
                            		" Stop only on vector and map [ resp. {. Ignore the ones in strings and
                            		" comments.
   63              0.000099 		if a:stopat == 0
   63              0.000279 			let stopat = max([line(".") - g:clojure_maxlines, 0])
                            			let stopat = a:stopat
   63              0.000036 		endif
   63   4.080176   0.245086 		let pos = searchpairpos(a:open, '', a:close, 'bWn', "!s:is_paren()", stopat)
   63              0.000211 		return [pos[0], col(pos)]

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_clojure_indent_pos()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 206
Called 21 times
Total time:   4.092601
 Self time:   0.001783

count  total (s)   self (s)
                            		" Get rid of special case.
   21              0.000048 		if line(".") == 1
                            			return [0, 0]
   21              0.000018 		endif
                            		" We have to apply some heuristics here to figure out, whether to use
                            		" normal lisp indenting or not.
   21   0.010045   0.000294 		let i = s:check_for_string()
   21              0.000020 		if i > -1
                            			return [0, i + !!g:clojure_align_multiline_strings]
   21              0.000014 		endif
   21              0.000048 		call cursor(0, 1)
                            		" Find the next enclosing [ or {. We can limit the second search
                            		" to the line, where the [ was found. If no [ was there this is
                            		" zero and we search for an enclosing {.
   21   3.064751   0.000319 		let paren = s:match_pairs('(', ')', 0)
   21   0.895804   0.000275 		let bracket = s:match_pairs('\[', '\]', paren[0])
   21   0.121386   0.000280 		let curly = s:match_pairs('{', '}', bracket[0])
                            		" In case the curly brace is on a line later then the [ or - in
                            		" case they are on the same line - in a higher column, we take the
                            		" curly indent.
   21              0.000055 		if curly[0] > bracket[0] || curly[1] > bracket[1]
                            			if curly[0] > paren[0] || curly[1] > paren[1]
                            				return curly
   21              0.000014 		endif
                            		" If the curly was not chosen, we take the bracket indent - if
                            		" there was one.
   21              0.000042 		if bracket[0] > paren[0] || bracket[1] > paren[1]
                            			return bracket
   21              0.000012 		endif
                            		" There are neither { nor [ nor (, ie. we are at the toplevel.
   21              0.000035 		if paren == [0, 0]
   21              0.000018 			return paren
                            		" Now we have to reimplement lispindent. This is surprisingly easy, as
                            		" soon as one has access to syntax items.
                            		" - Check whether we are in a special position after a word in
                            		"   g:clojure_special_indent_words. These are special cases.
                            		" - Get the next keyword after the (.
                            		" - If its first character is also a (, we have another sexp and align
                            		"   one column to the right of the unmatched (.
                            		" - In case it is in lispwords, we indent the next line to the column of
                            		"   the ( + sw.
                            		" - If not, we check whether it is last word in the line. In that case
                            		"   we again use ( + sw for indent.
                            		" - In any other case we use the column of the end of the word + 2.
                            		call cursor(paren)
                            		if s:is_method_special_case(paren)
                            			return [paren[0], paren[1] + shiftwidth() - 1]
                            		if s:is_reader_conditional_special_case(paren)
                            			return paren
                            		" In case we are at the last character, we use the paren position.
                            		if col("$") - 1 == paren[1]
                            			return paren
                            		" In case after the paren is a whitespace, we search for the next word.
                            		call cursor(0, col('.') + 1)
                            		if s:current_char() == ' '
                            			call search('\v\S', 'W')
                            		" If we moved to another line, there is no word after the (. We
                            		" use the ( position for indent.
                            		if line(".") > paren[0]
                            			return paren
                            		" We still have to check, whether the keyword starts with a (, [ or {.
                            		" In that case we use the ( position for indent.
                            		let w = s:current_word()
                            		if s:bracket_type(w[0]) == 1
                            			return paren
                            		" Test words without namespace qualifiers and leading reader macro
                            		" metacharacters.
                            		" e.g. clojure.core/defn and #'defn should both indent like defn.
                            		let ww = s:strip_namespace_and_macro_chars(w)
                            		if &lispwords =~# '\V\<' . ww . '\>'
                            			return [paren[0], paren[1] + shiftwidth() - 1]
                            		if g:clojure_fuzzy_indent && !s:match_one(g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist, ww) && s:match_one(g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns, ww)
                            			return [paren[0], paren[1] + shiftwidth() - 1]
                            		call search('\v\_s', 'cW')
                            		call search('\v\S', 'W')
                            		if paren[0] < line(".")
                            			return [paren[0], paren[1] + (g:clojure_align_subforms ? 0 : shiftwidth() - 1)]
                            		call search('\v\S', 'bW')
                            		return [line('.'), col('.') + 1]

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_clojure_check_for_string_worker()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 100
Called 21 times
Total time:   0.009117
 Self time:   0.000672

count  total (s)   self (s)
                            		" Check whether there is the last character of the previous line is
                            		" highlighted as a string. If so, we check whether it's a ". In this
                            		" case we have to check also the previous character. The " might be the
                            		" closing one. In case the we are still in the string, we search for the
                            		" opening ". If this is not found we take the indent of the line.
   21              0.000086 		let nb = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
   21              0.000019 		if nb == 0
                            			return -1
   21              0.000012 		endif
   21              0.000047 		call cursor(nb, 0)
   21              0.000065 		call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
   21   0.008778   0.000333 		if s:syn_id_name() !~? "string"
   21              0.000022 			return -1
                            		" This will not work for a " in the first column...
                            		if s:current_char() == '"'
                            			call cursor(0, col("$") - 2)
                            			if s:syn_id_name() !~? "string"
                            				return -1
                            			if s:current_char() != '\\'
                            				return -1
                            			call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
                            		let p = searchpos('\(^\|[^\\]\)\zs"', 'bW')
                            		if p != [0, 0]
                            			return p[1] - 1
                            		return indent(".")

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_current_char()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 63
Called 6050 times
Total time:   0.022916
 Self time:   0.022916

count  total (s)   self (s)
 6050              0.021053 		return getline('.')[col('.')-1]

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_check_for_string()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 139
Called 21 times
Total time:   0.009751
 Self time:   0.000634

count  total (s)   self (s)
   21              0.000072 		let pos = getpos('.')
   21              0.000020 		try
   21   0.009506   0.000389 			let val = s:clojure_check_for_string_worker()
   21              0.000023 		finally
   21              0.000060 			call setpos('.', pos)
   21              0.000018 		endtry
   21              0.000032 		return val

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_is_paren()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 71
Called 6050 times
Total time:   3.835090
 Self time:   0.143374

count  total (s)   self (s)
 6050   3.833106   0.141390 		return s:current_char() =~# '\v[\(\)\[\]\{\}]' && !s:ignored_region()

FUNCTION  GetClojureIndent()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 321
Called 21 times
Total time:   4.093354
 Self time:   0.000753

count  total (s)   self (s)
   21              0.000089 		let lnum = line('.')
   21              0.000028 		let orig_lnum = lnum
   21              0.000043 		let orig_col = col('.')
   21   4.092957   0.000356 		let [opening_lnum, indent] = s:clojure_indent_pos()
                            		" Account for multibyte characters
   21              0.000018 		if opening_lnum > 0
                            			let indent -= indent - virtcol([opening_lnum, indent])
   21              0.000011 		endif
                            		" Return if there are no previous lines to inherit from
   21              0.000025 		if opening_lnum < 1 || opening_lnum >= lnum - 1
   21              0.000064 			call cursor(orig_lnum, orig_col)
   21              0.000019 			return indent
                            		let bracket_count = 0
                            		" Take the indent of the first previous non-white line that is
                            		" at the same sexp level. cf. src/misc1.c:get_lisp_indent()
                            		while 1
                            			let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
                            			let col = 1
                            			if lnum <= opening_lnum
                            			call cursor(lnum, col)
                            			" Handle bracket counting edge case
                            			if s:is_paren()
                            				let bracket_count += s:bracket_type(s:current_char())
                            			while 1
                            				if search('\v[(\[{}\])]', '', lnum) < 1
                            				elseif !s:ignored_region()
                            					let bracket_count += s:bracket_type(s:current_char())
                            			if bracket_count == 0
                            				" Check if this is part of a multiline string
                            				call cursor(lnum, 1)
                            				if s:syn_id_name() !~? '\vstring|regex'
                            					call cursor(orig_lnum, orig_col)
                            					return indent(lnum)
                            		call cursor(orig_lnum, orig_col)
                            		return indent

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_ignored_region()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 59
Called 6050 times
Total time:   3.668800
 Self time:   0.127724

count  total (s)   self (s)
 6050   3.666821   0.125745 		return s:syn_id_name() =~? '\vstring|regex|comment|character'

FUNCTION  <SNR>8_syn_id_name()
    Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.0650/share/vim/vim81/indent/clojure.vim line 55
Called 6071 times
Total time:   3.549521
 Self time:   3.549521

count  total (s)   self (s)
 6071              3.547512 		return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
   21   4.093354   0.000753  GetClojureIndent()
   21   4.092601   0.001783  <SNR>8_clojure_indent_pos()
   63   4.081067   0.245977  <SNR>8_match_pairs()
 6050   3.835090   0.143374  <SNR>8_is_paren()
 6050   3.668800   0.127724  <SNR>8_ignored_region()
 6071   3.549521             <SNR>8_syn_id_name()
 6050   0.022916             <SNR>8_current_char()
   21   0.009751   0.000634  <SNR>8_check_for_string()
   21   0.009117   0.000672  <SNR>8_clojure_check_for_string_worker()

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
 6071              3.549521  <SNR>8_syn_id_name()
   63   4.081067   0.245977  <SNR>8_match_pairs()
 6050   3.835090   0.143374  <SNR>8_is_paren()
 6050   3.668800   0.127724  <SNR>8_ignored_region()
 6050              0.022916  <SNR>8_current_char()
   21   4.092601   0.001783  <SNR>8_clojure_indent_pos()
   21   4.093354   0.000753  GetClojureIndent()
   21   0.009117   0.000672  <SNR>8_clojure_check_for_string_worker()
   21   0.009751   0.000634  <SNR>8_check_for_string()

vim --version

VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Dec 28 2018 20:12:37)
macOS version
Included patches: 1-650
Compiled by Homebrew
Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl               +extra_search      +mouse_netterm     +tag_old_static
+arabic            +farsi             +mouse_sgr         -tag_any_white
+autocmd           +file_in_path      -mouse_sysmouse    -tcl
+autochdir         +find_in_path      +mouse_urxvt       +termguicolors
-autoservername    +float             +mouse_xterm       +terminal
-balloon_eval      +folding           +multi_byte        +terminfo
+balloon_eval_term -footer            +multi_lang        +termresponse
-browse            +fork()            -mzscheme          +textobjects
++builtin_terms    +gettext           +netbeans_intg     +textprop
+byte_offset       -hangul_input      +num64             +timers
+channel           +iconv             +packages          +title
+cindent           +insert_expand     +path_extra        -toolbar
-clientserver      +job               +perl              +user_commands
+clipboard         +jumplist          +persistent_undo   +vartabs
+cmdline_compl     +keymap            +postscript        +vertsplit
+cmdline_hist      +lambda            +printer           +virtualedit
+cmdline_info      +langmap           +profile           +visual
+comments          +libcall           -python            +visualextra
+conceal           +linebreak         +python3           +viminfo
+cryptv            +lispindent        +quickfix          +vreplace
+cscope            +listcmds          +reltime           +wildignore
+cursorbind        +localmap          +rightleft         +wildmenu
+cursorshape       +lua               +ruby              +windows
+dialog_con        +menu              +scrollbind        +writebackup
+diff              +mksession         +signs             -X11
+digraphs          +modify_fname      +smartindent       -xfontset
-dnd               +mouse             +startuptime       -xim
-ebcdic            -mouseshape        +statusline        -xpm
+emacs_tags        +mouse_dec         -sun_workshop      -xsmp
+eval              -mouse_gpm         +syntax            -xterm_clipboard
+ex_extra          -mouse_jsbterm     +tag_binary        -xterm_save
   system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
     user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
 2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
      user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
       defaults file: "$VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/vim"
Linking: clang   -L. -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/opt/libyaml/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib  -L/usr/local/lib -o vim        -lncurses -liconv -lintl -framework AppKit  -L/usr/local/opt/lua/lib -llua5.3 -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib  -L/usr/local/Cellar/perl/5.28.1/lib/perl5/5.28.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE -lperl -lm -lutil -lc  -L/usr/local/opt/python/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/config-3.7m-darwin -lpython3.7m -framework CoreFoundation  -lruby.2.6


MacOS Mojave
Version 10.14.2 (18C54)

hovsater avatar Jan 09 '19 07:01 hovsater

Setting the let g:clojure_maxlines parameter to a lower value (200 currently) fixed this for me.

tvirolai avatar May 08 '19 09:05 tvirolai

@tvirolai are you sure 200? The default was 100... I was considering using 20.

benknoble avatar Jan 19 '20 22:01 benknoble