vinyl-fs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vinyl-fs copied to clipboard

Vinyl adapter for the file system.

Results 10 vinyl-fs issues
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### What were you expecting to happen? The task should copy the files ### What actually happened? The task throws an error and does not copy files ```js var gulp...

While the issue is reproduced for Gulp.src, not for Vinyl.src, but this is relevant because Gulp.src uses Vinyl.src. ### What were you expecting to happen? The task should copy images...

Everything below vinyl-fs expects globs to use `/` instead of `\\` (since `\\` is for escaping). However, I believe both the latest major versions of `vinyl-fs` and `glob-watcher` accept `\\`...

Let's say we have this stucture : ``` |- dest |- src |- Gulpfile.js |- app |- index.js |- module |- a.js ``` I want to symlink all files in...

PR #265 seems to have passed the Appveyor tests, but the tests aren't working in my normal Windows dev environment. This is because Appveyer is running with elevated privileges; I've...

Node 10 on Windows throws a EPERM when we `fs.stat` on a symlink to a directory. We work around this by recursively readlink on symlinks found by source, but we...

Looking at, it seems like there might be some low-hanging fruit to improve coverage.

I was very surprised to encounter a bug report on `gulp.spritesmith` not working with Gulp 5.0.0 today. After some sleuthing, we found it was tied to both `src()` and...


When we drop older node versions, we need to investigate swapping how we clone fs.Stats We might switch it out for "better stats" as we've considered in the past, or...