Gulab Sagevadiya
Gulab Sagevadiya
I have created short extension in kotlin which is very simple to use here are they ``` fun Context.getLocalBackUpFile(): File { openOrCreateDatabase(MainDatabase.db_name,MODE_PRIVATE,null).execSQL("pragma wal_checkpoint(full)") val newFile =File(filesDir,MainDatabase.db_name) getDatabasePath(MainDatabase.db_name).copyTo(newFile,true) return newFile }...
have you found any solution for this error?
is there any updates on this track as i am having same issue with my mac pc - OS: MAC SONOMA 14.3 - Continue: 0.0.27 - IDE: Android Studio Hedgehog...
> ✅ I solved this issue by changing the boot java runtime to : > > > My device and software info: Continue version : 0.0.27 > > Android Studio...
> I tried all the java runtimes in my list and I still have an empty tool window. There's no option to add an LLM. And I get this message...
is there any update about lottie support?
from my guess problem is coming from this dependency Please Help me to resolve this issue your lib is awesome to work with I have checked your apk file >...
Have you found any solution to this issue? I am also having the same problem as you.
I have downloaded this lib as a module and removed unnecessary code like the JVM module and combined android and common modules in a single module. trying to solve this...
Hello There, I am also looking for the chart lib for desktop compose can you tell me what you have done?