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:heavy_multiplication_x: Abstract JS is a client-side javascript framework that provides a clean and easy to use API to create and organize your application with Controllers, Models, Collections, Rout...

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Abstract JS

Abstract JS is a client-side javascript framework that provides a clean and easy to use API to create and organize your application with Controllers, Models, Collections, Routes etc..

An Controller example

	this.edit = function(param){
		record = this.allEmployees[param]

Abstract xEngine

Abstract xEngine is a parser system that gives your HTML super-powers. Its a way to attribute actions and behaviors to HTML elements and you can easily make AjaxCalls, form validations or even create controllers or models just with HTML.

for example :

<table border="1" x-controller="EmployeesController">
	<tbody x-content="data.json" x-model="funcionario" x-collection="allFuncionarios">
			<td><button x-click="editar({{id}})">Edit</button></td>

Will automatically be parsed into this :

<table border="1" x-controller="EmployeesController">
    <tbody x-content="data.json" x-model="employees" x-collection="allEmployees">
			<td><button x-click="edit(0)">Edit</button></td>
			<td><button x-click="edit(1)">Edit</button></td>
			<td><button x-click="edit(2)">Edit</button></td>
			<td>Silverster Stalone</td>
			<td><button x-click="edit(3)">Edit</button></td>

PS: this is a pre-alpha Version