I've been doing some research and there is definitely something weird with the app that i'm building (i guess it's in some of the packages that i'm using although it's...
I've been checking the code of the app that is producing the mentioned behaviour and turns out this is a much broader issue than I initially anticipated, which I just...
Hi @multiplegeorges Happy to help! I agree that considering 4.0 is on the way, it's probably reasonable to consider doing the change for 4.0. I've also seen that 4.0 has...
Cool, I'll do that @nicekiwi. I cloned the dev branch and there seems to be a couple of tests failing, related to a missing helper referenced from bucket.js. I guess...
> I'm not sure removing the prefix would resolve the issue. But we can certainly try :) I've been meaning to tidy up the ENV vars for 4.0.0 so this...
Ok, cool. PR submitted with a reference to this discussion. @nicekiwi @multiplegeorges let me know if you'd like something else addressed there. I did also remove a .DS_Store file that...
Just to avoid confusion, when I talk about setting env vars per stage, i'm talking about config.json and defining the env var there. Doing it via an export is not...
Correct, something like that would be great. I guess it could be useful for many chalice users.
btw, more than happy to help working on that feature if it's something that the chalice community thinks would be good to have.
also, and sorry to scatter comments around, forgot to mention it on the previous message. Either a 'region' option or also a 'profile' option would be fine, but I guess...