Guillaume Potier

Results 59 comments of Guillaume Potier

Sure, we worked on a project named [basil]( that allows us to abstract the underlying storage and have an unified API to store things. It might be interesting to couple...

Hi @philwilks or @pacMakaveli, Could you please confirm this is working with the suggested above change, and if so, submit a PR accordingly? Thanks a lot

Hi, Thanks for your PR. I was not intentional I think. And you're right, callback should be called even on radios/checkboxes elems. Though, instead of duplicating the line and its...

Hi there, Sorry for looking that one so late.. Could you please rebase your commits (maybe squash them eventually?) and add a small test for that in test suite ?...

Hi there, This current PR won't be merged since it is too far from master and have many conflicts. Since I do not have time and resource to update/maintain Garlic,...

Hi there, this could be a nice feature, but unfortunately this is not built-in yet. It should be possible by creating a module that ships a bijective encryption method (aes...

Hi there, I did not recall having set a clear form function into garlic. This is something I think you would have to implement yourself, [web has plenty questions on...

Hi there, This is something not implemented. Garlic may store a timestamp each time it saves something in storage and an API to get that value. The message would be...

Hum, you're suggesting to remove the `this.$element.val()` to also check empty fields? I'm not sure that Garlic actually persist empty fields. If field is emptied, there is just no store...

#42 from @swanjr should help you no? Planning to merge it into master asap when doc updated.