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Fuzzer logic

The fuzzer logic is as follows:

For each iteration:

  1. Extract several decimal strings from single libFuzzer input using internal logic
  2. Call the initialize function of every loaded module.
    1. If any initialize call returns failure, then go to step 9
  3. Call the bignum_from_string function of every loaded module for every decimal string extracted in step 1
    1. If any bignum_from_string call returns failure, then go to step 9
  4. Extract an operation_t struct and an uint8_t "opt" value from the libFuzzer input using internal logic
    1. If there is insuffcient data left in the libFuzzer input to extract an operation_t struct and an uint8_t "opt" value, then go to step 9
  5. Call the operation function of every loaded module
    1. If any operation call returns failure, then go to step 9
  6. Call the string_from_bignum function of every loaded module for each of their internal bignum representations
    1. If any string_from_bignum call returns failure, then go to step 9
  7. Compare the strings collected in step 6 with one another, and abort() if a mismatch is found
  8. Go to step 4
  9. Call the shutdown function of every loaded module, and proceed to next iteration

Implementing a module

Each module must implement a module_t struct, defined in include/bndiff/module.h.


Currently, this struct contains 6 instruction pointers and 1 string pointer.

int initialize(void)


  • If applicable, allocate resources or initialize objects that must be available throughout a single iteration.


  • This function is called once per iteration.

Return value:

  • 0 for success
  • -1 for failure

int bignum_from_string(const char* input, void** output)


  • Convert input, which is a null-terminated, base 10 string representation of an integer, to an internal bignum representation.
  • Store the pointer to the internal bignum representation to *output;


  • The (pointer to the) internal bignum representation must persist in memory until destroy_bignum is called on it.
  • input may be prefixed by the minus symbol - do denote that the number that follows it is negative.
  • This function performs the inverse operation of int string_from_bignum(void* bignum, char** output).

Return value:

  • 0 for success
  • -1 for failure

int string_from_bignum(void* bignum, char** output)


  • Convert the internal bignum representation pointed to by bignum to a base 10 null-terminated string.
  • Store the pointer to this string in *output


  • This allocation for the string that this function produces MUST be done with malloc().
  • If the bignum at hand represents a negative value, the output string must be prefixed with the minus symbol -.
  • This function performs the inverse operation of int bignum_from_string(const char* input, void** output).

Return value:

  • 0 for success
  • -1 for failure

void destroy_bignum(void* bignum)


  • Free any resources that the internal bignum representation pointer to by bignum uses.

Return value:

  • Does not return a value

int operation(bignum_cluster_t* bignum_cluster, operation_t operation, uint8_t op)


  • Perform operation on the bignums in bignum_cluster.
  • The semantics of each operation type are prescribed in the chapter Operations below.


  • This function may return failure (see below) if it does not support the requested operation, or otherwise can not or will not comply to the request.
  • The op variable can be used to choose from several internal, semantically equivalent functions. For example:
    switch ( operation ) {
        case    BN_FUZZ_OP_ADD:
            if ( (opt & 1) == 0 ) {
            } else {

Return value:

  • 0 for success
  • -1 for failure

void shutdown(void)


  • If applicable, free resources or destroy objects that must were created with int initialize(void).


  • This function is called once per iteration.

Return value:

  • Does not return a value

const char* name

Objective: A null-terminated string that is a concise, human-readable description of the module.

Example of a minimal module

#include <bndiff/module.h>
#include <bndiff/operation.h>
#include <bndiff/bignum.h>

static int initialize(void) { /* TODO */ }
static int bignum_from_string(const char* input, void** output) { /* TODO */ }
static int string_from_bignum(void* input, char** output) { /* TODO */ }
static void destroy_bignum(void* bignum) { /* TODO */ }
static int operation(
        bignum_cluster_t* bignum_cluster,
        operation_t operation,
        uint8_t opt) { /* TODO */ }
static void shutdown(void) { /* TODO */ }

module_t mod_example = {
    .initialize = initialize,
    .bignum_from_string = bignum_from_string,
    .string_from_bignum = string_from_bignum,
    .destroy_bignum = destroy_bignum,
    .operation = operation,
    .shutdown = shutdown,
    .name = "Example module"


Currently supported operations, defined in include/bndiff/operation.h.

In the summary below, the symbols A, B, C and D represent the first, second, third and fourth bignum pointers present in a bignum_cluster_t, respectively.


  • A = B + C


  • A = B - C


  • A = B * C


  • A = B / C


  • A = B MOD C


  • A = (B ** C) MOD D


  • A = B << 1


  • A = B >> 1


  • A = GCD(A, B)


  • A = (B + C) MOD D


  • A = B ** C


  • if B > C then A = 1
  • if B < C then A = -1
  • if B == C then A = 0


  • A = B * B


  • A = 0 - B


  • A = ABS(B)


  • if B is a prime number then A = 1
  • if B is not a prime number then A = 0


  • A = (B - C) MOD D


  • TMP = A
  • A = B
  • B = TMP


  • A = (B * C) MOD D


  • A |= 1 << B


  • This operation is free to do whatever it wants, but it must not alter any bignums