哇,nginx https转发 配置成功了。谢谢
Hi @cofess and @ssp0xd7: 这个repo接口未授权的,每个小时只能访问60次,授权用户每个小时可以访问5000次,授权接口有auth2和access_token两种,我用的后者[https://guguji5.github.io/repository/](https://guguji5.github.io/repository/)。 _By the way, 如果你想托管在github上access_token是不能明文上传的,需要加密或特殊处理。_
路过 5年过去了 请问system.js 用起来了么 ?
> I would like to re-confirm that, is it not a breaking change? not some big change, just adjust params to send.
I fix the error with copying [the npm source code ](https://github.com/damianstasik/vite-svg/blob/master/packages/vite-plugin-react-svg/index.js) into my project. it works.
> [力扣 25. K 个一组翻转链表](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/reverse-nodes-in-k-group/) > > ```js > var reverseKGroup = function(head, k) { > if (!head) return head > let fast = head > let i = k...